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Practice & Trials Southampton Hampshire Waltham Chase


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Waltham Chase Club runs a youth and wobbler series on Saturdays, there will be 6 rounds 4 at Hut Hill, Chandlers Ford & 2 at Ryedown Lane near Romsey.

Youth & adults.

1st Round is 31st march 2012 at Hut Hill. See The club website for the rest of the dates.

The trial starts at 2pm and you can turn up early around 12 and practice in the woods before the trial.

You will need to sign on before riding to comply with insurance and no riding in the sections before the trial starts for odvious reasons.

You will need a current ACU licence and be a club member (you can join on the day).

Help with setting out the sections will be appriciated, If you have never set out a section before someone will show you the ropes.

The trial will consist of 6 sections and we normally do 6 laps.

We will be running 5 routes this year: Orange, Yellow, White, Red/Blue & Green.

The orange route will be classed as the E route for raw beginners and the osset electric bikes.

This is a good series for practise & routes are set out slightly easier so riders can get experience moving up a group.

More experienced riders will be on hand at times to give advice and tips.

There will be an expert route set out hard (ish) but SAFE so the normal B route (red and blue) riders can give themselves more of a challenge with less risk of getting hurt. Current regular expert riders will ride the same route but will have their own elite class to make it fair for the new riders trying out the expert route.

Visit walthamchasetrials co uk for more details and dates.

Edited by Steve_E
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