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Fantic 200 Pegs


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Have read so many views on this subject that is moving the foot pegs down & back. To me it makes sense lower centre of gravity etc. So what do you think? I already have modern size pegs, a great improvement.If so how much down & how far back?

Edited by drongo
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Recently had mine lowered, the rule of thumb seems to be down as low as sump guard and back so as in line with leading edge of tyre. Problem is because the rear brake relies on the pin going through the frame it makes the brake too far forward but you are governed by the pin through the frame and unable to do much with it..... simple solution, fit the brake on the other side, I wasn't too sure at first but am getting used to it now, brake and gears on the left. A few I have seen hadn't actually moved their pegs far enough for this reason. Some say move them and some say don't, I am glad I had mine done, just need to remember the back brake..... :rolleyes:

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Moved mine back and down, all you need to do is make a new brake rod to suit (B&Q sell lengths of bar just tap the thread on the end and bend other end in a vice) .Also moved the bars forward, front hole became the back hole, not straight forward conversion but definitely worth it love mine now :-) Sammy miller shocks, Magicals fork springs job done !

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