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Gas Gas 200 Pro?

ba baraccus

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Thinking of upgrading to a newer machine and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the 200Pro? I had the 99 TXT 200 a while ago and that was pretty good but I just wondered how the Pro's compare? I am also considering the 250 but is the price difference worth it?

Cheers for any advice!

Edited by BA Baraccus
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Well I have had a few 250's (different makes) and at the mo Im on a 280 gasser but I like the smaller bikes as they are smoother, lighter and still have enough power to do what I need! I just wondered what people thought of the 200 Pro cos its more affordable for me if I am to get a new bike!

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In the family we have two gg pros an 02 and an 04. We have experienced no problems with either. The 200 has plenty of power even with 13 stone on it , it will get up a steep hill climb in 4th gear. More forgiving than the 250 and more manouverable. Just ask "Factory" kev hipwell.

Eiger :D

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The 200 Pro is really a fun bike. I go 195lbs and it hauls me up anything that my 280 will. Sure it's got less grunt, but is also very forgiving. Although the actual weight is insignificantly different, I swear the 200 is 10lbs lighter...really lively....and yes, they are only 175cc.

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I ride a 2000 TXT200. I'm 150lbs and this bike takes me up everything I have the skill to ride!!! I was going to upgrade on power myself and have been riding it for 1 season. I asked a couple of the old timer riders for an opinion and they suggested I get good on the 200 before I upgrade. I was told that riding a 200 will force me to get better at skills and throttle control and with a more powerful bike I'll rely on the power...just a thought.

I rode my friends 310? (can't remember if it is 310 or 320), but on areas I had to crank the throttle his bike putted up the hill climbs :D

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My wife rode a '96 JTR270 until getting a new Pro200 in '02. What a great bike! I've ridden both extensively myself, and I can confidently say that the 200 is the far superior bike. The only advantage the 270 has is low end torque, otherwise the 200 is stronger (feels it, anyway. Maybe from power:weight?), lighter, has better suspension, and better ergonomics.

We did have our share of clutch/tranny problems, but I understand those have been sorted out on later models.

Really a super, fun bike that will not cost you any points at anything under world round sections.

Of course, it's still not as good as my Beta :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

my dad ride's a 200 and he droped down from a 250 and likes it a lot more, a lot easyer to piviot turn and a lot mare forgiving on mud he does say though some off the bigger hilly sections it just needs a bit more a top end as it some times die's just get used to playing it on the clutch and i think you will like it a lot more than a 250 :unsure:

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