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Colmore Cup Trial Abandoned.


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Canceling the trial was absolutely the right decision, when I drove (in my nice warm van) from Dovedale to Hancocks just before 11 the snow was allready laying on the road and the visability was very bad and as I was driving I thought "if the police come by now they will have a field day". Our bikes are, lets face it not really legal for road use. Don't get me wrong I do want road trials to continue and I ride in some myself. I also think that its ridiculous of the law to expect us to fit huge number plates and indicators etc. However when the forecast says that rain is expected, as it did all last week I think all riders should fit lights on there bikes. all new bikes come with lights, now I am sure that someone is going to say that I am wrong but for sure all gas gas and betas come with lights, not strickly road legal lights but lights. As all of you know when it is raining all vehicles in the UK need to have there lights on by law so why do so many of us ignore this? I remember fitting huge lights to my Bultaco years ago and believe me you don't notice having the small lights fitted to a modern bike. Now I am the first person to complain about all the needless Health and Safety crap that is shoved down our throats, BUT The whole point of this is to keep us safe and on the road.

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couple of points..

surgical gloves are great in cold or wet especially underneath your 'proper gloves' just remember to take them off if touching anything hot as they MELT and stick to you..

in the uk it is not the law that you must use lights simply because it is raining. trials lights are road legal. the sticky part is if you have any light on your bike you need all ( front back and brake) and they must all work.

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Lights - if you fit them they have to be fully road legal - dipping headlight, brake lights, E numbers on lens & all that guff.

I one rigged up a cycle rear led as I was concerned about that main road in the rain......

Same weather at the March Hare for a while, but we were on the back roads so manageable, but blooming freezing.

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for years (and this is why bikes come with lights) on the continent you need lights.

all the top riders seem to have them anyway so why not make it compulsory to have lights in road trials?

Probably because if you have them fitted they must all be working at all times otherwise you are commiting an offence. If you havent any fitted then you are not. Dont give them even more excuses to get the sport closed down.

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Probably because if you have them fitted they must all be working at all times otherwise you are commiting an offence. If you havent any fitted then you are not. Dont give them even more excuses to get the sport closed down.

If you think lights will make or break our sport you are a bigger fool than we thought.

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If you think lights will make or break our sport you are a bigger fool than we thought.

Not what i said and you well know it but why miss a chance when you see one eh? Nothing to stop anybody fitting or leaving the lights on a trials bike but as i said if they are fitted they must all work especially at m.o.t. time and though you may not agree if lights are fitted it is yet another thing that the police can do you for if they are not all completely up to construction and use regs along with insurance, having a license, legal number plates, underinflated tyres, horns, speedos, brake lights (dont forget if you have lights fitted you must have working brake lights too). No i dont think and didnt say lights will make or break our sport but for once it would be nice if you could comment on what somebody wrote not on what you think they did.

Either way even if lights had been fitted to everybodys bikes it might not have affected the organisers decision to cancel the event for safety reasons. It's always easy to second guess but the organisers were on the spot and had to make the call if somebody had been run over in the bad visability everybody would have been quick to condem them. It was their call and they called it as they saw it.

I doubt very much i could be a bigger fool than you and everybody else "think" but it's possibly comforting to know you might occaisionally. :moon:

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Your original statement is above for all to see, and open to interprtation.

Why you need to dismiss a valid suggestion beats me, and I would bet not many bikes either needed or had mots at the colmore.

Of course it was the right decision to cancel the event who is suggesting otherwise?

Lastly to think plod even knows what a trials bike is, that working lights need to have a working brake light and could test it, would be happy with the tax disc and numberplate on the vast majority, is stretching it somewhat.

get real.

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