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Ajp Rear Brake Master Cyl Seal Kit.


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Hi Everyone,

A friend of mine owns a Sherco 290 - 2002 year with a AJP rear brake master cylinder. The seals in the cylinder have worn and he needs a new seal kit (kit # AJP150.00.196C - 9.5mm)... but here's the problem, AJP went out of business a couple of years ago and he can't seem to find anyone who has got the seal kits in stock (tried splat shop, Malcolm Rathmalls etc).

Does anyone know where he can get a seal kit from or the uninque part numbers of the actual seals so he can try and source them individually and we are welcome to any other suggestions also?

This also affects my bike too as it shares the same master cylinder but at the moment the seals seem okay!

Apparently a brand new complete master cylinder is available but he doesn't want to go down this route due to cost and more importantly how would you re-seal it in the future.

Will a later model cylinder fit, i.e. a 2011 / 2012?



Edited by JoeNinety
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I would try the major US importers such as Trialsparts USA, RYPUSA, Tryalsshop and LewisportUSA .

I thought I recently seen somethint to the extent that the seal kits off the new ones would directly interchange with the AJP products, yet I have no confirmation on that.

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