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Evo Electric Problem


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2010 beta evo .just stopped running ,so cleaned carb changed plug and ht lead got a spark but just wont start . so sent stator w c windings tested stator results was bit low but they said they thought should be ok .the pickup had gone so changed that ..got it back put on bike still wont start ...should i just get stator rewound or could it be something else .dont want to just keep throwing new parts on what dont need ..any help; would be good thanks ...casper...

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Something a bit strange here. What is meant by "pick up". If this is the trigger coil the ignition works or it does not. Since youur bike had a spark it suggests the trigger coil was working and should not have ben changed.

Stator *a bit low". Does this mean the resistance of the source coil(s) is a bit low or is the output of the source coil(s) a bit low?

I would have a word with Beta UK.


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i will speak to west country winding this morn try get the readings ..i spoke to lampkins on friday and they said it was probably the stator ,i

will ring lampkins to day see what they think ,prob have to buy cdi next ...i knew i should have stuck with Gas Gas .lol. thanks for your reply

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Only a thought but... before you buy a cdi, it might be worth checking compression. It would be terrible to buy a new cdi and then find out it was a simple case of a blown head gasket (o ring?)

...or even simpler - kill switch ?

GJ :wacko:

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thanks for reply s ..it as got plenty compression and first thing i did was pull kill switch off .sent stator back to west country winding he said it will be the stator ,needs rewinding .i will let you no once i get stator back and try hit

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