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2012 Carb Leaks


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Have a 2012 2.9 in which fuel drips from the over flow vent tube while it is running. I am told this is normal provided it stops dripping when the engine is not running. Has anyone else had this problem?

any suggestions to fix, the carb is new and clean.

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Should not normally whth the bike just running. This is an indication that the fuel level in the bowl is too high. Possible causes being float level set too high, float needle not sealing properly due to poor seal, swarf in the seal area.

Getting a minor slosh when hopping the bike, bid downhill, or other jouncing is another thing and may likely happen.

Prolly gotta start with a good clean and setting of things to insure they are correct.

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19.5mm is the standard number as I recall. One must situ the carb at a 45 deg angle so the weight of the float does not compress the needle spring, but it is just shut. There was a good pic of this at one time, search if you need it....

Some(mysel included) cap off the overflow tube to prevent sloshing spillage. As this may not be officially recomendable to some, as if the float does stick it will flood the bike, yet to me that makes just like a dellorto!!!! I actually pulled the tube out the bowl and pounded in a ball bearing to seal the hole, makes bowl installation a breeze as well, as with the tube it is like a chinese puzzle to reassemble at times.(read, after beer)

Do as you like, just saying.

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