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Clutch Drag?


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Help! I recently got a 2011 Sherco 2.9 and am having problems with shifting the bike. When moving, everything shifts fine, and it also shifts good with the motor not running. When at an idle with the clutch pulled in, I can't shift at all. I cleaned the clutch basket and installed new steel and fiber plates, and still have the same result. I did notice that the clutch basket had some lateral movement. Could there be too much clearance in the bearing causing a drag?

This is my 3rd Sherco, and never ran across this problem.


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If the bike has been ridden hard in the past, it may have some warped clutch plates. There is allways a bit of clutch drag even on a new bike, but it should not creep forward on its own with the clutch pulled in, possibly a slight drop in idle speed when placed into gear.

Fresh oil in the box is usually best, and a light oil like Dex ATF does work, yet if the lever adjustment and pressure feel ok through its stroke, I doubt the issue is related to the hydroulic side and I would consider slight movement in the basket normal mechanically, the plates may not be able to separate properly if there is any warpage.

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Bike does not creep forward with clutch engaged. The rod lifts the pressure plate as much distance as my other bike, and it is also is lifting evenly. The bearing in the centre of the basket has never been replaced, so it should be the right one. I have some time tomorrow to clean up the tangs on the fiber plates, maybe they are dragging on the basket not allowing separation.

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Bike does not creep forward with clutch engaged. The rod lifts the pressure plate as much distance as my other bike, and it is also is lifting evenly. The bearing in the centre of the basket has never been replaced, so it should be the right one. I have some time tomorrow to clean up the tangs on the fiber plates, maybe they are dragging on the basket not allowing separation.

Sorry, I mis read your original post where you stated you had installed new plates.

As you did not state if this bike were used or newish, I would still think you are on the right track, May need to smooth the fingers of the outer basket if grooved.

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Sorry, I mis read your original post where you stated you had installed new plates.

As you did not state if this bike were used or newish, I would still think you are on the right track, May need to smooth the fingers of the outer basket if grooved.

I have the same problem with my 2010 290, I can take the plates out, clean them up change the oil and it works perfectly, leave it overnight and the clutch is suck until the engine gets warm or I bonce the bike back and forth in gear to free it off. Take the plates out put them back and its fine again even when cold ??

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I have the same problem with my 2010 290, I can take the plates out, clean them up change the oil and it works perfectly, leave it overnight and the clutch is suck until the engine gets warm or I bonce the bike back and forth in gear to free it off. Take the plates out put them back and its fine again even when cold ??

That's normal (usual). Try one of these oils and give it a couple of days to soak into the plates before your problem stops.

Castrol 5w30 Edge Sport - Synthetic

Nulon 5w30 Long Life Diesel and Petrol Oil - Synthetic

450ml for a refill ... no more than this.

All the best.


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Might have to try that Neo, couldn't get my clutch to release at all today until I resorted to removing the clutch cover & seperating the outside plates with a screwdriver with the lever pulled in.

Never had that happen before.

Riding around standing on the brake trying to unstick the plates may have contributed to me blowing the primary seal in the brake master cylinder today

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Nulon is the best of the two.

But if they're sticking that bad I'm guessing there's a tacky residue on the plates. Might be worth cleaning them in petrol first, then filing up with Nulon / Castrol.

Let us know how you get on.

Best of luck.


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