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Beta Float Height!


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Hi everybody, it is me again :unsure:

I just stripped my carb down to reset the float height as it was leaking out all the time, when the engine wasn't running. I adjusted the tangs so that they were pointing straight at the outside edge of the pilot jet casting when the carb is upside down, it is dribbling eery now and then, and it leaks out when leant to the left, what should I do, will this change have affected the bike?



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Guest coflet

I onwed 2 290 shercos and the saw a new 2003 beta rev 3 in yellow mint or so i thought. 1st day out in ran out of petrol due to leaking carb, adjusted everything up like yours didnt leak anymore BUT when i went down hills it always died on me ,had to keep it revin to keep it goin :D

put up with it for a year the went back to shercos NEVER AGAIN. :hl:

What kind of a company would sell a bike with a carb in defective condition then rip you off to get it modified.From what i can gather all beta rev 3s are the same all years :unsure:

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Actually it is leaking out of the overflow, not the air tubes. do you think that I should put up with it for a while, change it or send it to John Lampkin who can do that mod.

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Well, after joining and venting the air lines are described in the thread I linked to and setting the float height according to BillyT's specification (do a search for "float height"), I've never had a problem with fuel leaking from the carb. AFAIK all the factory modification does is increase the capacity of the float bowl to ensure a consistent supply of fuel when the bike's at extreme angles (when doing really big splats for example).

Alternatively you could sell the Beta and buy a Sherco because they have absolutely no issues at all and never, ever go wrong :D:unsure:

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This link shows the angles of the tangs - just scroll down a bit to view the picture.

neonsurge has also kindly pointed you to another part of the solution.

coflet kills me, 'what kind of company...' - man, all the, 'mine is better than yours' crap gets old, or maybe I'm just getting old... I could post, 'Why would Sherco sell a bike with a known problem with main bearings...' Prove your perceived superiority in the sections, not on the forum.

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Bob - be careful about the tab setting... the white line shows where BillyT recommends the downward travel limit of the floats to be, but you see where I have mine set to.

Each bike is a little different so set yours and try it, but don't set it the night before a trial. I wasn't that smart and I had trouble with my carb flowing enough fuel to keep the float bowl full when riding from one section to the next, it was starving for fuel as I entered the next section, so I moved mine down a little further. The picture shows exactly where mine is currently.

Remember, if the machine is leaking a lot of fuel, do the vent pipe mod, but don't neglect the normal maintenance of buying a new float needle and seat assembly. Yours may not be sealing properly and still flowing fuel even when the floats are trying to shut off fuel flow.

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Hey Clark P.-

Were you by any chance checking one of the sections on Sunday in Muenster? I thought I heard somebody call one of the guys Clark and the guy looked kind of like your avatar pic. I meant to ask, but if it was you, you were way too busy to chat. It was one of the later sections - 10,11, or 12.

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Ron, yes that was me... section 11 on Sunday. You're right, I got really busy a couple of times there... I didn't want to screw up anyone's score AND I wasn't used to watching their time in the section either, so that was new for me. This is a shot of Geoff Aaron in my section...


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right all fixed, tried the flaot height down but it starved it of fuel, tried it a little above but it leaked fuel, managed to stop this leaking by re routing the overflow on a more level angle as I think that it was siphoning when the bike leant towards the left.

anyway all's well that ends well.

Thanks for your advice, I am now an expert at removing and refitting the carb as I have has it off four times in the last two days, and can now take it iff the bike, strip it down completely and bang back on the bike without removing the airbox in just 25 mins, a vast improvement from 1.5 hours on my old Sherco.

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