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315R Identification


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new boy here (and to trials) and am looking at buying one of two apparently 2001 models.

However, one has a black (above the swing arm) rear brake caliper and the other appears to be in line behind the swing arm.

Could anyone suggest which might be the later of the two models and I'm assuming the preferred bike, given the condition and price are very similar?

Thanks in advance.... hopefully my first of many questions!! :blush:



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Rear caliper above S/A is the earlier model.

To determine the year (of the frame anyway) check the frame number, and VTDMT03 does NOT mean 2003 as some sellers will try to tell you; its the letter/digit after VTDMT03A0_ that gives the year:

1997 = V

1998 = W

1999 = X

2000 = Y

2001 = VTDMT03A01E300001

2002 = VTDMT03A02E300001

2003 = VTDMT03A03E300001

2004 = VTDMT03A04E300001

Hint: - even if everything looks and sounds good, pick it up by the back end till the back wheel just comes of the ground then lower and raise it around that position and if there is any play in the suspension linkage you are looking at £100 to £200 of parts (bearings).

(edited after Ham's post)

Front forks type can also be an indication of model year. According to:


the changes to the make of front fork and rear caliper location at points in the production run were:

1997 to 1999 Paoli/outboard

2000 Showa/outboard

2001 to 2004 Showa/inboard

Paoli forks - vertical mudguard fixings on fork legs with a "U" bracket for the mudguard.

Showa forks - horizontal mudguard fixings level with the tops of the sliders (and I think the colour of the coating on the stanchions changed from year to year as well)

... however I think it's possible to swap swinging arms....forks .... and bodywork and......

Search the forums for more information.

Good Luck.

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A 2001 should look like this:-


Yes, that surprised me; I was convinced all the changes happened for the 2002 year. I'm going to tear up my notes and have edited my post above.

According to this site:


the changes to front forks and rear caliper occurred thus:

1997 to 1999 Paoli/outboard

2000 Showa/outboard

2001 to 2004 Showa/inboard

If you go to this page:


The Parts Lists are provided for the 315 and you can figure out how the components changed by model year.

I just checked my dating letter from Sandiford's and my bike, Frame No. VTDMT03A02E30**** was imported in March 2002 and manufactured in September 2001, so the Frame number is giving "Model Year".

Edited by Esteve
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