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Thanks For The Help!

steve fracy

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I recently started looking into how I could improve performance from the Beta 300 4T I am riding. I got some great advice from Ron Lee in the US, but the big help was an old buddy, Billy T. He is of course known for his carb knowledge, and me having never dealt with a diaphram carb, was in need of guidance. His help was invaluable and just wanted to say thanks! His tips have transformed the characteristics of the motor. It really works well stock, but wow, it is amazing to see the real potential of it now!


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Without any real data it is difficult to say, yet the bikes are soo quiet it seems the exhaust must be restrictive. Then again, It may be all mental, as unless one is really revving the crap out of it there may be no real difference!

Funny just how all that works, as my Ego wants(expects) more noise when I crack the throttle, then I get on something like the 3.2 Sherco and it sounds pretty good! About that time the intellect takes over and asks if someone could please slow this thing down a bit!


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