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Sherco 3.2


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Its a knack for sure Ian, I've owned a few big fourbangers over the years and the worst I had was a XT500, once hot it could be a right pain.....never too keen on modern type auto de-commpressor either....I much prefer to do it by feel and a manual decomp.

My mate has an old Husaberg (spelling!) left hand kickstart and some really high compression..the thing was a real pig to start....hot or cold.

Keep at it mate, it will come when you get to know her a bit longer :P

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the worst I had was a XT500

We used to have one of those. Know what you mean, little silver disc used to show up through an 'eye' in the top of the barrel. And if you got it lined up perfectly, then gave it a good long kick............the bitch still wouldn't go until the 5th attempt :P

You'd think with so many of us simple 2 stroke people about that the tips and tricks for starting would be attached to the bike when you buy it. I know it sounds a bit daft, but you just know that the factory will have the absolute best way to start it, no matter how many slightly different versions there are out in the real world.

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Thanks for your experinces on starting the 4T.

Interesting about the choke, will try that, although when cold its not really been a problem.

I have also found that 2 stroke type kicks do nothing except waste energy. I have tried to use the same method as i use on my P65 bangers but there is very little 'feel' in the kickstart...i would much prefer a manual decompressor!

I have fabricated a longer kickstart for my 4T and this seems to have helped, although i haven't tried it when 'trial hot', just pratting around on the drive hot. It seems easier to feel whats happening to the piston/stroke with the longer kickstart.

See how it performs tommorrow...


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Big John. How come your 4T has been sat idle for a fortnight :D

Surely your not riding something else when you have this awesome machine to ride :D

Mine is still back at the dealers :beer: It appears that oil was was being pumped up from the generator through its conduit to the coil and coming out there dripping onto the exhaust pipe. It did look like it was coming from the casting but it wasnt thank goodness.

Hopefully get it back on wednesday :beer:

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Echo Big Johns comments and well done Ishy :beer:

Im not sure about the seal as I dont have any info as yet, but I will let you know! Im getting withdrawal symptons for not having by my bedside at night ( wife sleeps in the garage since I got it :D )

The first time I rode mine in a trial was last weekend when I went down a group to run it in ( easy route) . pottered around and got a clean sheet for the day :beer:

There was a hill climb in one of the sections and I stopped the bike near the top and realised I hadnt cleared the gate, so kept going and it just gripped and pulled like a train.

I dont know what it is but there is something very special about this bike :D . Dont know if anyone else thinks the same ?

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The special thing is it makes you whellie like a pro, i can turn corners and all now

the grip in the mud took some getting used to

you have to get on and ride it like you stole it ,then it seems less likely to throw you off

it does not pull the front round like a normal fourstroke, seems like less engine breaking ?

i was not too sure if i liked it to start with,but now i am converted what a bike

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I saw one yesterday at the 'Alan trophey trial' (cumbria) and the grip it was getting in those streams was awesome!!! could'nt believe it. Never seen one until yesterday, real tidy bike! best 4T so far in my opinion.

hopefully soon, they'll have the little problems sorted.

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RE 500

You talk of needing huge effort to start your 4T. well I can sympathise with you. I`m 58 kilo and really struggled with turning mine over.

The decompressor on mine was not working, but once fixed it is like kicking over a 125, just push down on the lever and it flows through to the footpeg. Previously it would support me weight and push back. Fires up very easily when hot and is a totally different bike, hope this is of some help


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Howard Wallace

Very interesting, this would explain why others seem to use little effort

yet i need to jump on mine!

Any idea what was done to fix the problem?

As an experiment i fabricated a longer kickstart and used this at the last trial. Although it was MUCH easier to kickover (there is now some feel to the kick) the engine was still differcult to start when very hot.

Seems others have suffered the same hot start problems as i have. Heard that some are fitting a 'hot start' device off the 4 stroke Yamaha Enduro/MX. Maybe this is what the 'new carb' being designed by the factory that Ishy mentioned of in a post will have?


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RE 500

don`t recommend you stay with the longer kickstarter, as you`ll load up the starter gear train, and could lead to damage. Once the decompressor is right, it feels like you could start it with your hand.

There`s a centrifugal weight on the cam that contacts the exhaust rocker, if this does not return to correct position, when stopped, it will not engage rocker on the next startup. Check that your`s is right down wresting on the cam centre shaft and not sitting up.


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Howard Wallace

Once the decompressor is right, it feels like you could start it with your hand.

You certainly wouldn't want to try to start mine by hand, unless you like hospital food!

Do you access the decompressor thro' the 'triangle' cover?



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RE 500

Yes you can, but remove the tappet cover first, as there`s a rubber gasket that seals on top of the triangle plate The triangle also supports the cam, and has a shim that sets the cam endfloat. The quickest way to check if it`s working is you`ll hear a loud clack as you turn the motor off, or if you wind the idle right down it will clatter. This is the decompressor trying to engage at revs similar to kick starter speeds.

If you think it`s working, try just pushing the kick starter through in an even motion, and not giving it a sudden sharp kick, as this might be throwing the decompressor out before it has a chance to work.

Hope this is of some help, no doubt we`ve left ourselves open for plenty of sarcasm, but hey, I`ve got broad shoulders. Hope some of the "TRIALS RIDERS "and not the Bar Jockeys get some use out of these fantastic Forums.


ShercoH :D

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Update on my Oil leak problem!...and more :beer:

Got the 4T back today and discussing the problem with Graham Evans (David Jones MC - Newtown) he showed me the generator and the problem.!

It appears the oil was being pumped up inside of the sheathing and coming out at the coil and dripping on the exhaust! So, they sealed it and put it together and lost the spark completely :D

On looking at the problem more closely, it appears that where the grommet comes out of the casing, there is a very sharp edge which is in contact with the cables and through the engines vibration and the fact the cables are so tight. It cut through shorting them out and hence no spark.. This also happened on the demo 4T they have too.

What they done on the replacement generator is gently smooth a nice radius on this edge which reduced the tightness of the cables ensuring that this shouldnt happen again.

If you have a 4T you may want take a look as this .

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