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Sherco 125 2002 (Water Leak)


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I had noticed in the last few comps that the fan was not kicking in and on checking the bike over today found that the radiator was empty. On refilling it and running the bike, I spotted a small jet of water coming out under pressure from a small hole in the case. This is in front of the water pump hosing on the engine case face that the exhaust goes into. The hole is in the engine cover and not in the main crank casing but looks like it should be there?? (although I did have something similar on a Beta which I thought was an overflow / pressure relief but was infact a hole!)

So has anyone experienced this before and what's the fix. I have taken the impeller off and whilst is a bit corroded in side, it has not perforated through the case. I assume the water is getting into the other side through the seal or where the impeller pushes the water through to the water jacket and there is a perforation?

Am I to assume that the next step is to drain the oil, take the outer case off and inspect the case / water channels ?


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Have read a few threads and a bit of goggling and it would appear that this is an indicator for the pump seals failing. If people concur, has anyone changed the seals before and can they give me the dummies guide....

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