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Swap Steering Head Bearing...


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I new there was something I forgot to grease :(

My steering suddenly was binding--on and off.

Pulled the steering head and lower bearing is damaged.

2006 TXT 300 pro

How hard is it to get that thing off and replace?

TY sirs

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It will be pressed in place. The standard method is to use a special puller. However, if you have access to a mill, a carbide end mill cuts those bearings easily. I cut one area to a very thin wall and then split them with a chisel.

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I new there was something I forgot to grease :(

My steering suddenly was binding--on and off.

Pulled the steering head and lower bearing is damaged.

2006 TXT 300 pro

How hard is it to get that thing off and replace?

TY sirs

Have you ever done a wheel bearing on a car? same principle, Top and bottom have tapered bearing sitting in a "RACE"... I was able to carefully tap the race out with long punch, and carefully tap new race, grease new bearing.

Just keep track of where each part came off... seems like there were shims involved in there,

there is definitely a key issue on how you put it "back together" where the very last thing you tighten is the top triple clamp -> around the fork tubes...

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Here's a video to give you an example of the scope of the process. These guys were pretty heavy handed - but its the only video I could find. As mentioned, I have cut the bearings as well with success. Just need to go slow. Harbor freight sells cheap presses if you dont have one.

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TY so much for these replies: sent it of to Adrian and now on way back. He had to grind off lower bearing. Did my bones at the same time--bushings and bearings. :)

some idaho scenery:


That's nature's Ossa :)

Edited by uhoh7
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The other trick to removing the bearing races from the frame is to use a stick or mig welder. Just run a short bead of weld around the inside of the bearing cup and when it shrinks it will be loose. I just did some on a road bike that has a small ledge inside the steerer tube that prevents you getting a punch or drift onto the back of the bearing. When I did the lower one, it just fell out as I was taking my welding helmet off. Too easy.

The bearing on the bottom triple clamp usually needs cutting or grinding. Cut almost through and hit it with a cold chisel.


Brisbane Australia.

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