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Brake Pedal Re-location


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Hi guys. Have found that now riding is improving a bit, i'n riding a bit differently and instead of riding to accomodate the brake on the arches of my feet i'm riding more on the balls (plenty of scope for commente there! :huh: ) and am having toido a jig to get to the lever in a section. Is there any way of shortenting the lever or moving it back an inch or so to get it under my toes without moving my whole foot?

Bike is a 2000 125 (orange one!)



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I take it your bike has not got a steel tip to the end of the brake pedal with it been a 2000 model.

May be worth getting a newer pedal then having a extra little bit welded on to the back of the steel tip.

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Thanks for the replys. Unfortunatly there is a good gap between my foot and the pedal, so when I do move my foot it tends to throw me off balance a little-enough be very annoying. I guess I could learn how to get around it thrugh practise, but baording school means two rides a month if i'm lucky! Thanks for the reply though HondaRS, not too much bothered about the amount of force needed, as long as it is in easy reach (I feel I might regret saying that though!)

Chris-no steel of any sort on the pedal and would prefer not to buy anything if at all possible. Will get the old man onto it to see if there is anything he can do.

Thanks again,


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