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Asgard Bike Access Storage Box - Big Enough?


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Hi all,

Anyone used one of these for keeping a trials bike in?


Height: 4ft 4" (1340mm)

Width: 6ft 8" (2060mm)

Depth: 3ft 4" (1040mm)

Door Aperture: 1060mm x 1360mm

Thinking of rolling the bike in backwards, rear wheel in to the back corner, turning the bars full lock towards the back of the box, and rolling front wheel in. Bit of jiffling so the front wheel's pointing towards the front of the box, bike leaning towards the back with the bars against the back wall.

Looking at 1305mm wheelbase of a Beta Evo 200 and guessing the rest (bar height, trail, tyre width) my maths about the size of the box says it should be fine (back corner to opposite door edge = c. 2m), but it would be great to know for sure.

Any science facts out there to back up my optimism?


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Right. found"]http://www.offroadmo...ductId=34 found some more info, done some more maffs. 99.9% sure it'll be absolutely grand*.

Need to speak to the landlord now to see if he's happy with me putting a hardstanding in. Then finding a bike and getting started...

*All the same, any messages along the lines of "Yes, I've got one, here's a picture of my bike in it" would be appreciated!

Edited by nedrapier
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  • 3 months later...

Well, it's up, and it's big enough. Just! For a Beta Evo, anyway.

I went for the Annexe. Not cheap, but better than the alternative (taking it to bits and lugging it downstairs into the basement.)

Edited by nedrapier
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