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2006 Scorpa Sy 250


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Im almost embarrased to ask this but does the 2006 Scorpa SY 250 have a 2 stroke or a 4 stroke engine?? Im new to the trials bike world and im just trying to learn as much as i can. The thing is im not mechanically minded at all!! But we all have to start somewhere right? :unsure:

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You really need to find a friend who's into Trials to help you if you are serious.

There is an odd 250 Scorp with a 4 stroke motor but I don't know if they use the SY prefix.

Very unlikely it's a 4 stroke and I wont go into details of the differences,contact your local club they are normally run by a bunch of enthusiasts keen to help a beginner out.

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Hi well ive been intouch with Neil and i popped down yesterday to look at a scorpa they have in, hoping Neil would be there... But he wasnt!! But i will be going back again soon so i will have a chat with him. Thanks for all the help

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  • 2 weeks later...

when your in D3 ask neil for a northern centre handbook they are on the counter it has all the trials dates in also neil runs practices up at holmscales activity centre in kendal, westmoreland motor club is kendal based and also birkettmotosport the importer of scorpa is only 30 miles from kendal. enjoy your trailing :)

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