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Trials In Mainland China?


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Does anyone have any contacts for Trials Clubs, or riders in Mainland China?

We have been asked to go over and do some demo's at a Motorcycle Show, and would like to involve some local riders ..... if there are any.

I know the cycle trials scene is happening over there, but a Moto Trials club.... I don't know. I recall seeing some photos of a trial maybe five years ago, but I could recall if it was mainland China or Hong Kong, and I now cant find the reference.

All help appreciated.


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I go to Shanghai every year to visit my in-laws, and I've not seen any sign of trials (big city, so wouldn't see bikes on cars etc., but if there was a scene there I'd expect to see related papers/magazines etc., and the occasional display). Seen a lot of cyclists hopping about though, and a few displays outside shopping centres and temples. I'll look closer when I'm there later in the year, but would be interested to hear anything you can find out, as a trials display would be a nice distraction from all the eating, and the inane grinning at relatives.

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