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Northern British Bike Championship - Round Six - The Dalesman


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The Northern British Bike Championship circus moved in to the Derbyshire Dales last Sunday for the penultimate championship round organised by the Dales Classic Motorcycle Club.

With a 20 mile lap of eight groups of subs, the sections proved less challenging than anticipated with the forecast rain holding off until the last man was home.

Apart from being a two-stroke, the BSA Bantam ridden by former racer Mick Grant is far removed from the 200 mph GP bikes of his hey-day. Mick used his latest mount to take his first overall win in this years Championship. Riding a clear round, Mick headed the rigid Bantam of Pete Carson and the Ariel of Chris Gascoigne by a single mark with the James of Alan Whitton following up on three.

The Clubman class was equally close with DOT rider Andrew Cooke edging the win with a clear run, one mark ahead of Michael Clay, Sprite, and another DOT rider, Ian Livingston on three.

The opening group at Tearsal Farm lulled riders before confronting them with the muddy, boulder strewn ravine at "Ible". Early casualties here were Neil Walker and Vintage two-stroke class leader, Colin Frey, both fiving as they slid off their chosen lines in the second sub.

The same section also robbing Mark Francis of a top "Pre-Unit" placing with a "five" and with Welsh round winner Bob baker, taking a solitary dab.

The Expert route at Ible didn't trouble the premiere riders too much but notably, Barry Burton took a five on the third sub here to start an unusually high scoring ride for the local Derbyshire rider.

The next group at Longliffe Tops were bone dry. Few casualties here but "Derbyshire Trial" Clubman winner Pete Elvidge scuppered his chances of a top placing with a five as he took a tight line through the third sub which lined him up awkwardly for the tricky exit.

The aptly named "Rockhurst Farm" followed without too much drama although Colin Frey took his second five of the day on the third sub, dropping the leading link Dot rider from the class lead.

A short run to "Carson's Farm" followed where locals know this venue to be very tricky after a shower but today the sections made up for the abundance of grip with tight turns in the undulating woodland with what proved to be decisive scores in the overall results.

On the Clubman route, notable cleans of the fifth sub by Andrew Cooke, Michael Clay and Ian Livingston paved their way to a 1-2-3 in the Clubman class. Precise cleans here also by Steve and Brent Corden, turning their big 4-strokes up and over the exposed routes with delicacy gave them a 1-2 in class but Bob Baker lost his chance of top spot with an out of character five.

The Expert Class was also decided at Carson's where Alan Whitton lost his clean sheet, dabbing on the third and fifth subs. Mick Grant, Chris Gascoigne, Pete Carson and Dave Dench being the only premiere riders to escape Carson's unpenalised.

A lengthy run to the exposed hillside at Smerrill Grange and the shaded confines of Cooke's wood gave riders a challenge on the twisting sections before the final group on the homeward run at Sacheveril Farm. The old out-crop workings here were in forgiving mood with few errors by the forerunners although Dave Glover added a further five and a three to his score to drop him well down the overall order.

Congratulations to all the winners and to the observers for tackling not one but in some cases, two separate sections. The road marking was first class, the starting area and the Miners Standard pub were excellent and the overall organisation amongst the best in the NBBC.

The final round of the Championship moves to Lancashire on the first weekend in October with all to play for in the nine classes..

Check out the full results on the Dales Classics web site. http://dalesclassic.wordpress.com/

and the Championship standings here.. http://www.poacherspre65trials.co.uk/northern-current-standings

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