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How Should I Set Up 7 Concrete Panels To Get The Best Out Of Riding Them


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Hi Otis, Are these sileage clamp sides? How long how wide? If there 3-4 ft wide but 8-10ft long you could.....

Try an L shape with two at different heights giving you three heights including ground level?

Try two together lengthways like a pyramid shape (you could lay one side of your L on top of one end), this would be a nice knife edge to get over?

One could be made up as a steeper than 45 degree lengthways ramp up the back of an earth mound, on the opposite downward side stand one vertical but led horizontally as a low splatter wall to hop up onto the mound from ground level?

The last you could lay horizontally but at 30-40 degrees as a killer side slope?

Edited by pindie
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Don't know the shape or size but try and get a small step (2' perhaps) and then a gap and another. You will then have to learn the technique of riding up the first step and carrying the front over the gap before balancing on top of the two pieces.

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