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Just thought I´d get this forum space started by inquiring if there are any locals close to me, near Manresa, that fancy letting a near novice into their ranks or are located near here.

I often transport the bike up to Sant Julià de Cerdanyola, closer to the Pyrénées for the ultimate trial runs. Beautiful routes, with a beautiful backdrop.

[Només vaig pensar que tindria aquest espai de fòrum començar preguntant si hi ha alguna gent a prop meu, a costat de Manresa, que ve de gust deixar un novici en el su club o es troben al costat de aquí. Sovint el transport de la moto fins a Sant Julià de Cerdanyola, prop dels Pirineus per les execucions de prova maco. Rutes bonic, amb un bell teló de fons.]

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I live in Girona but often ride in the area around Vic which is not too far from you. Most of my Trials friends have left town so I´d be more than happy to make new ones. If you want send me your email via private message and we can talk.


Probably the only Kiwi riding trials in Catalunya

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Hi Chris,

Cheers for the reply. My email is my user name here at hotmail.com, couldn´t find the link to e-mail you privately. I´m still trying to iron out a few limitations of the bike at the minute, and the persistant rain at the moment is hampering my ability to tune the bike. When that is done I will try and get out. I have a few nice routes I am practicing on near my home here, and trying to build up my skills.

Sounds good though, what is Girona like for Trialing? have you a good area to ride there?

Hope to catch you later.

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