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hello all my mates just bought a sherpa 199A the rear sprocket is 42 tooth dosnt seem to pull has good has mine in 1st and 2nd mine has 39 tooth on the rear and 11 on the front. he has only tryed it in 1st and 2nd. would he be beter puting sprockets on same has mine?

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Does he also have an 11 tooth engine sprocket? If so then his gearing is slightly lower than yours and you would expect his engine to pull a bit better than yours at low speeds, if it doesn't then it is an engine tune problem. If he had a 12 tooth engine sprocket then his gearing is almost the same as yours so there shouldn't be much difference. If he had 13 teeth at the engine then his would be higher geared than yours and perhaps not pull so well at low rpm.

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yes he has 11 tooth on the front. ill have to go and have a look at it see whats what could be somthing stuppid who knows. he isnt clued up on these bikes so ill have to go throw it and see what the problem is.

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It sounds as though his engine is just not in as good a state of tune as yours, and if that is the case then you have all the possible problems related to exhaust systems, carburation, ignition timing, engine condition, etc (or as you say possibly something stupid) to look forward to fixing.

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oh yes i know that feeling all to well mate. but we love it really wouldnt be the same if it all whent are way would it? ill start with the simpel things like spark plug/carb/ ect ect. at least it is runing thats abig help. cheers mate ill keep you posted am off up to my mates soon.

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