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Trials Scoring System


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If you have entered the section scores as 3-1-0 rather than just the total 4 then your spreadsheet should be able to do a scond sort on cleans flowing down to 1's 2's and 3's to sort tie breaks.

Yes I agree ! But to do that, I would have to enter 2280 bits of information instead of 570. There were only 4 clashes which need a cleans count and it took just a few minutes to check them out. It would of taken much longer to put the other 1710 numbers into the spreadsheet and do it automatically.

I could make it do that for peeps who want to do it like that. it would be no problem!



Edited by Webmonkey
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I run or help to run the Bon Accord MC in Aberdeenshire. I've played about with various spreadsheets in the past but your one does look good. I'd be interested in a copy when ready or I'll help beta test it if you like.

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If you have entered the section scores as 3-1-0 rather than just the total 4 then your spreadsheet should be able to do a scond sort on cleans flowing down to 1's 2's and 3's to sort tie breaks.

Yes I agree ! But to do that, I would have to enter 2280 bits of information instead of 570. There were only 4 clashes which need a cleans count and it took just a few minutes to check them out. If would of taken much longer to put the other 1710 numbers into the spreadsheet and do it automatically.

I could make it do that for peeps who want to do it like that. it would be no problem!



Most sets of results I see in the North of England carry full section results, ours have done for quite some time. Last years 3 Day results:- http://www.richmondmotorclub.com/cms/showa...hp?articleID=39

The programe used for the Scott allows for 200+ riders doing a single lap of 80 sections & includes time. It also works out all the awards, there are dozens. All entrants are sent out a section by section set of results.

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The programe used for the Scott allows for 200+ riders doing a single lap of 80 sections & includes time. It also works out all the awards, there are dozens. All entrants are sent out a section by section set of results.

Thats a lot of data :D would be nice if it was formatted in nice clean rows :beer:

I made this purely for the average club which has just a few hard working souls keeping it going to lighten the workload a bit. Its not meant to be for the big scale stuff. (although I could make it do all the stuff that you mentioned)

If peeps want the 40 section scores then thats ok to do. I could give them the option in the same workbook :beer: In fact, I will do just that :D

Edited by Webmonkey
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  • 1 month later...

Theres a bit of work to do setting up the program on your comp like producing the custom sort lists and creating the custom Macro buttons and then building the database of your clubs riders names & details ( although you can do this as you go along )

I can provide details on how to do this with the spreadsheet.. But its best that I talk you through it using MSN Messenger..

My MSN is viciouss@mods-r-us.net .

If your currently typing in all the data and doing manual sorts and stuff like that. This will save you loads of time and when set up, is easy to use.

feel free to contact me :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...


Kirsty (South Shropshire MCC )has kindly been testing the 10 section version for her last 2 trials and overall it has performed well however, a few things have popped up during its use mainly due to the strict configuration of the worksheets. i.e. you cant cut and paste stuff and add/delete columns and rows without upsetting its configuration. So I have been working on putting controls to either stop or warn the user if they are likely to do something that they shouldnt.

The other problem comes from the use of Macros. At the moment, to get the buttons up on the control bar at the top to run the macros means I have to do it myself ( or the user can do it if they have a very good understanding of excel) so I am working on producing a set-up macro that you run just the once when you first use the program and it does it for you.

I am also working on a complex 40 column scoring system for the SHEFFIELD & HALLAMSHIRE MOTOR CLUB. This version uses just three classes hard/clubman/easy and they type in all scores from the 40 sections. Does anyone else do this?

When they are fully tested, I will release copies on here under a shareware license and see how it goes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Chris, I am inundated with stuff to do at the moment plus im in the middle of building Ross Danby's website . I havent finished completely your spreadsheet as its quite complex . its about 85% done.

I'll drop you a mail asap as soon as its ready.. probally be another week i reckon. :blink:

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