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Adrian Brown Memorial Trial


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The 3rd annual Ady Brown Memorial Trial will take place at Summerland BC next weekend November 10/11th - Although the date is late in the year because of other calendar changes due to Forest Fire Hazards, The long term foecast looks good, with no big snow storms predicted. - Adrian Brown, was a transplanted Cockney - who made friends with everybody he met in Western Canada, he was always full of fun, and enjoyed his Trials riding in the Okanagan Valley,

Sadly he was diagnosed with cancer while on a visit to England back in 2001, and although he survived another nine years, living in the UK, and riding Trials with his buddies for some time, he finally passed away at the young age of 51.

As a tribute to Ady, and other friends that we have lost, we will gather on November 11th, to remember them, and the millions of people who died in World Wars. - "Lest we Forget" ++++++++++

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Unfortunately, the weather forecast has changed for next weekend with snow now predicted for Saturday/Sunday. - We will monitor the situation and decide late Thursday if it will be possible to go ahead with the Trial. - Details will be posted on the blog of www.outlawtrials.com

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The Trial went ahead as scheduled, in spite of snow and -9 temperatures - we were pleasantly surprised to have a good turn out of riders, and raised a total of $745.00 for the Cancer Fund. - results and pics can be seen by visiting the blog at www.outlawtrials.com

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