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Sidcup Simmons Cup Trial


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Just like to say well done to the Sidcup Trials club for a great trial on sunday. The weather was terrible, with heavy rain before and during the trial, but we (me and my mate) still had a great day, finished covered in mud and worn out.

Results and pics on the webb site Sunday evening.

A big thanks to the Observers, they must have been frozen.


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thanks for that, my team worked hard to lay out the sections and it was really dry and easy on Saturday but we knew the rain was coming, and bugger me it was wet!!!

we've got a wobbler trial in two weeks if you want another go ;)

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HI Rabie

Can you tell me how I managed to get a 10 mark for one section, I certanly never missed it and I believe it should have been a 1. Still managed to beat my mate though!

Don't think I will make the wobblers but will definately ride there again. Preferably in the dry!

Thanks again


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