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Trials Virgin


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Hello folks , I've never set foot on a trials bike, ive road motorcycles since i was a kid and road with a few road race clubs for the last five year but never a trials bike and ive been told that its alot different to what im used to so I'm on the lookout for as much advice as I can get. I live in the Leeds area and would like to know where would be the best place to go and ride trials, what gear would you recommend I need and what bikes should be on my wish list. Two bikes keep cropping up in recommendations and that's the Shirco 290 and the Beta Rev3 250. Your opinions are much appreciated many thanks, Mick.

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Hi Mick,


I live in Leeds, there are a few places to ride around here, I ride at Bumpy in Howden clough every weekend. There is home farm at tong, swaine wood at horsforth and west Leeds hold trials at post hill near wickes. I'm sure there's more though. I ride a gas gas, started with a 125 last year, now got a 300 (still trying to tame it).

The only kit I use is obviously the helmet and boots, a must have! And a pair of gloves, everything else I'll slowly get along the way.

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Morning Mick

Im also a Road rider and complete trials virgin, I live in pontefract but will be riding in the leeds area. Im going this evening to buy my first Trials bike from Ras Sport in brighouse (#30yearoldkidinasweetshop!!)

If you fancy meeting up and leaning how to fall off together give me a shout. I Think im going to ride at Bumpy in morley and also join the Horsforth club then i can practice said falling off in swaine woods on the ring road.

just need a tow bar fitting and a rack ordering from Dave Cooper. As for Kit im going to go with Boots SkidLid and gloves as a Min and buy shirt and pants as n when. Ive been looking around and i think Trials UK in Leeds looks the shop to go to to pick there brains on Kit so ill be heading up there saturday i reckon. Matt. B)

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Hi mate. Having ridden trials first and then progressing onto a road bike, I can confirm the 2 are worlds apart. I know many people (including my dad) who has gone from road bikes to trials bikes, and he struggled more than I the other way.

The amount of clutch control needed on a trials bike is difficult to cope with when starting out riding trials. When you ride road you just release the clutch and away you go, however when riding trials you need to feather the clutch (especially as a begginer) and this can be a bit of a pain to get used to. Constantly covering the clutch as a opposed to just wrapping your hand around the handlebar is a strange feeling for a road rider (from what I hear).

I wouldn't count on your road riding abilities to help you out in trials, however I can gaurantee that your trials ability (as it progresses) will help your road riding, more specifically your track riding. Getting used to sliding the rear (it's fun so practise!) can really help for those unexpected times it steps out on road/track.

Wheelies are also cool on road bikes, and easy to practice on the trials bike :)

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Hello folks , I've never set foot on a trials bike, ive road motorcycles since i was a kid and road with a few road race clubs for the last five year but never a trials bike and ive been told that its alot different to what im used to so I'm on the lookout for as much advice as I can get. I live in the Leeds area and would like to know where would be the best place to go and ride trials, what gear would you recommend I need and what bikes should be on my wish list. Two bikes keep cropping up in recommendations and that's the Shirco 290 and the Beta Rev3 250. Your opinions are much appreciated many thanks, Mick.


It would help if you took a ride on some different bikes, but I will advise you to stick with something of the 250 range. That Beta is much gentler than the Sherco. :blush:

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I can recommend joining Horsforth, West Leeds and/or Yeadon Guiseley. Any of the these clubs will get you up and running. An easy way to be everyones new best friend is to observe at a few trials. This'll get you up to speed with whats needed. I use Swainey myself (sat am usually) as there is a bit of variety and you can make it as hard or as easy as you like when practising. Having said that Bumpy or Tong have a bit more open ground for your first few outings.

I'm 53, I first rode at 12, I'm on my third comeback and have a plan to still be riding trials at 70!

I love it.

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