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Cota 200 Questions

old bones

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Hello, I was hoping to fit lights to my cota 200 so I bought some genuine mont ones second hand, I started to investigate how to wire them up so looked at the generator side but I could only see through the slots in the rotor one coil so I am assuming that this is for the ignition and that the coils for the lighting have been removed.

Could someone confirm that there should be more than one coil and if I need to replace the stator would one from another model fit . this would widen the search for available parts.

I'm also looking for a workshop manual but there does'nt seem to be anything specific to the 200 would the Clymer manuals that pop up now and again for the 123-360cc 1965-1975 be any good?

Any advice or recommendation would be great.

If anyone is wondering why I want to put lights back on to the Mont.... I have moved to France and am slowly getting my head around the trials scene here and It seems that most trials bikes here are reg'ed for the road and they need lights to get the registration which is not easy. It was not reg'ed in the UK so I dont have a V5 which would make it a bit easier...Anyway I hope someone can help


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hi it should have 2 more charging coils for lights people seem to remove them to reduce drag ,my friend has one with lights and i am wanting to fit lights at some stage ,he cant find a regulator so must run direct they are 6 volt , i would say a stator from a cota 123 172 and 125 will fit and possibly from a 242 , i have a brother in france right near you ,hes inbetween angouleme and piregeau (prob spelt wrong ) the manual may give you a bit of an idea but wont be the same parts i dont think ,,i can forward a user manual

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Thanks for the reply zerorev3rev4, a user manual would be a great. And thanks for the advice about the stator I will probably put a want ad in the clasified section and also look on the auction sites.

I have the same problem spelling in French its never spelt how you think it is but like most things......practice,practice and more practice.

Does your brother ride trials?

There is a blog site by one of the members of the Angouleme club called " seventies trial 16" he posts up what is happening and put photos up of the events so if your brother wants a ride, i'm sure they would make him as welcome as they made me.

yuo probably need my email to send the user manual? chardie@bigfoot.com


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Sorry the email didnt work I use it for downloading large files as i've had problems with other email service but try this one . chardie@tiscali.co.uk

Had a look at the map to see where your brother lives,not too far from Angouleme and looks a nice place on the sat photos.

Thanks again for the user manual hopefully this time it will work.


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