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What's Santa Bringing You And Your Bike?


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October 2011 I sat on Santa's knee and when he asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told him I wanted my barrel relined.

He said it was a fairly simple request and to send it to his little Elf to undertake the work.

Christmas 2011 came and went and Santa's little Elf had let me down, no barrel, no liner, nothing.

As Easter approached, the Easter Bunny reckoned he could fit into one of his lovely eggs if I visited the north pole to collect the barrel!

I set off in the snow to collect it and pay for it, only to find when I got it home it would not fit the crankcase mouth.

So off I went back to the north pole with it to get it put right.

Once I returned again from the arctic circle, I discovered, once built up, the engine hammered and rattled like a jack hammer!

Seems Santa's little Elf might not have finished the ports, to which I had confirmed.


Never mind, it's a simple job to finish, but my faith in the little Elf was failing. I gave up on him and got it done locally.

So now it's right? Wrong!

First time out the liner sank in the barrel, seems the liner had moved and as there was a gap under the liners lip, it sank down so it would not seal the head.

After this I made my displeasure with the Elf's work public and he didn't like it one bit.

He phoned me up promising to put it right, that was back in May. (you can see where I went wrong, yes I sent it back to him!)

Well it's December now and Santa's little Elf hasn't delivered.

Calls and visits seem to make no difference, promised have been broken time and again, the barrel and piston I paid for seemed to have gone forever??

Well I think it's time Santa and his Elf are shamed, what do you all think?

Is it time to kiss this barrel, piston and my money goodbye forever?

Will this forum prove to be an open one and allow me to legitimately air my concerns or will it turn into a dictator and curb or ban my genuine concerns that perhaps could save others from the same fate?

I want your input, should the little Elf be named and shall it be done on Christmas day?

Edited by goudrons
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Will this forum prove to be an open one and allow me to legitimately air my concerns or will it turn into a dictator and curb or ban my genuine concerns that perhaps could save others from the same fate?

Let's just say you're not off to a good start...

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They are fair questions, is it a open forum and should the public know of a genuine concern?

Will users want to know?

Will it be allowed?

Yes those are Fair questions about whether it will be allowed and if the other users would like to know.

What is unfair is the immediate jump of comparing the owner of the site to a dictator.

(As far as I know Andy has not had much to do with potatoes :P )

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Zippy, it wasn't an immediate jump I'm afraid.

As I wrote earlier, I have tried to express my displeasure before.

Another user posted a similar story, to which I added my comments, it was only a matter of hours before the post was removed.

I did not breach any of the forum rules


So it seemed, although my comments were accurate and so forth, someone somewhere for unexplained reasons, decided you should not see it

Whoever it was must have certain access rights to this forum and whatever is posted on it.

They decided without any consideration to my post that it will be removed.

Perhaps I should reconsider the term "dictator" and I apologise if it offends, but is there another term that can be used for someone arbitrarily removing the original post?

We, as a nation aren't considered "complainers", we put up and shut up, but why is this? Are we made to or have we been coralled some way?

This sort of brings me back to my post above and my asking other users views on whether it's considered correct to "name and shame" on such a forum, other forums do and consider it an essential tool to warn others.

I've yet to decided either way, but one thing to consider is the sort of money now spent on classic trials machinery, these aren't trifling figures anymore, but can be large investments.

Is it right that a minority can be "let off the hook" and spoil our sport? I think not, but what I'm asking is what do you think?

Is there a difference because it's "our" sport and we don't think anyone in it would do such a thing, would everyone consider it acceptable if it was a washing machine from a high street chain?

BTW, I don't know what the Potato reference is about either!

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How about you cut to the chase instead of posting pseudo-cryptic messages and replies which are more geared towards bleating about a previous post removal than the actual matter in hand? As long as the grievance is justified and 100% factual then there should be no reason for it to be removed.

For your information, I recall precisely the topic you are referring to. It very quickly became not just a user complaining about poor service, but a bandwagon. Contact was made with the party involved who gave assurances the matter would be resolved. I have no way of knowing the facts behind every single post and/or whether claims made by individuals are totally factual. Non-factual posts could be considered libelous and it wouldn't be the first time I've had threats of lawyers because of posts made on these forums. p*** and wind? Probably, but I'll err on the side of caution. As the matter appeared to be resolved at the time, the topic was removed.

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As Andy inferred above and as some very prominent recent cases have proved you cant just make rash statements about people on the internet. Shooting off to a mate is not the same as posting something that floats around in the ether forever.

If you have a grievence then in this country we have a legal system that is there for you to avail yourself of. If your case is sound then go for it.

Merry christmas BTW oh yes and i got the tater reference :kerstsmiley:

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Ok, the facts are as follows.

October 2011 One barrel was sent off to be relined.

Febuary 2012 I had to collect it and pay for the work.

March 2012 I had to return it as it did not fit the crankcase.

Late March 2012 it was fitted and it rattled, I was told by an independent engineer it was because the ports were not finished.

April 2012 the liner slipped in the barrel so the head would not seal.

May 2012 it was returned on the request of the engineer on the promise he would sort it.

December 2012 the part has still not been returned.

Of course between all these dates there has been calls and visits, trying to get the part back.

Is it reasonable to think I have a valid complaint and that others in the sport should know who is responsible by posting their name on this forum?

Yes, I do understand there are legal means of recouping losses, but does this stop anyone else from same treatment?

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May to December is a long time - seems fair enough to name the company/individual concerned - Let other forum members make up their own mind.Afterall,trials is a small community,most people have enough knowledge and or contacts to make up their own mind.

I run a small garage repairing Land Rover products,and have done for many years.One of the things you learn from this is that whatever you do,you will never satisfy all of the people all of the time,even if you gave a 100% refund with every job you did for them.You also realise that for those small minded types, there are many,many more who are reasonable and appreciate that the world is not yet square.Those individuals are the ones who will come back and have repeat work done,30 years on I still try my best and many come back.A shyster will gain a poor reputation - quickly.Bring it on I say.

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The last 2 dates listed are the only ones that I would need to see to make my mind up. May to December is 8 months which is absolutely outright too long without an exceptionally fantastic reason (such as my shop was hit by an errant meteor etc. etc.), only then would a time delay such as this be even remotely acceptable to me....and I would have to be shown fragments of the meteor!

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May to December is a long time - seems fair enough to name the company/individual concerned - Let other forum members make up their own mind.Afterall,trials is a small community,most people have enough knowledge and or contacts to make up their own mind.

I run a small garage repairing Land Rover products,and have done for many years.One of the things you learn from this is that whatever you do,you will never satisfy all of the people all of the time,even if you gave a 100% refund with every job you did for them.You also realise that for those small minded types, there are many,many more who are reasonable and appreciate that the world is not yet square.Those individuals are the ones who will come back and have repeat work done,30 years on I still try my best and many come back.A shyster will gain a poor reputation - quickly.Bring it on I say.

I'd bet you've seen your share of slipped liners :icon_salut:

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