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What's Santa Bringing You And Your Bike?


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Potato reference explained for those that did not understand it instantly.

What do you get when you cross a penis and a potato?

A Dictator

Like I tell my kids: My house is not a democracy it is a dictatorship. And I am the one with the potatoes. :P

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Hi Guy's.

The main thing about the post is that Trials Central, is Andy's web site , and not a site owned by the people who write and read the forums. I think if on my site, I was named has a dictator, I would take great displeasure. I spend many hours per week, serching out information to place onto my site, and I know Andy must do the same.I know the number of people visiting a web site gains the sites popularity, and yes we use it to comment. But Andy does not draw 2$ from each of us every time we visit the site unlike some.

So has I say if he wishes to remove an item it is up to him. Go to the small claims court man, the name will soon get to be common place then.

PS Andy just been checking the stats? Did'nt realise how big TC is in Austrailia.

Happy Christmas Guy's.

Regards Charlie.

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Hi Guy's.

The main thing about the post is that Trials Central, is Andy's web site , and not a site owned by the people who write and read the forums. I think if on my site, I was named has a dictator, I would take great displeasure. I spend many hours per week, serching out information to place onto my site, and I know Andy must do the same.I know the number of people visiting a web site gains the sites popularity, and yes we use it to comment. But Andy does not draw 2$ from each of us every time we visit the site unlike some.

So has I say if he wishes to remove an item it is up to him. Go to the small claims court man, the name will soon get to be common place then.

PS Andy just been checking the stats? Did'nt realise how big TC is in Austrailia.

Happy Christmas Guy's.

Regards Charlie.

Well said Charlie

Dictator, Andy is most certainly not - but he has to be strict and rightly so

Any info about bad service from a supplier needs to be factual and accurate, otherwise it is a very serious matter and as always there are 2 sides to each story and if a supplier doesn't voice his, then we only have the OP's version of the story - which may or may not be correct, for all we know?

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It's not very often I get involved in Mechanical issues on the web site as I have little or no Knowledge in that area .

So here's my ten pence worth.

I recently got some fantic bits from Bob Wright and found him very easy to deal with.

When My Mechanic (Friend) received the bits the machining wasn't right but could not be seen by the eye - just some fancy gauges - Bob kindly replaced it with a correct one and within a week or so - keeping me very happy.

My point being I would like to know who has good and bad service - I too am a motor trader and we get our fair share of CR*P ,but to a certain extent we can always find a middle ground with a customer by conversation - We have only had one "Unsatisfied Customer" in 8 years and he complained on a "Moaners" site without putting his name !! maybe he's not even a customer and just doesn't like me - Well that I can live with all I ask is a right top defend myself openly.

So name & shame and let the concerned party have a right to reply - Then we can all make our own "Grown Up Decisions" about who to deal with.

The Wobbler (in trials & sometimes in life)

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Hi Guys.

Hi Wobbler,

That said, if the guy that is supposed to be the villain in this little tale does not reply to the charges against him. How do you know who is in the wrong? And has I have said why oh why should Andy get involved with a dispute that is nothing to do with him. If a trader is in the wrong, this is not the web site, to name and shame him or them. This is aTrials forum site is it not? And not a County court.

Keep it real guys.

Regards Charlie.

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Charlie and All.

I appreciate your comment and whole heartedly agree that Andy should not have to worry about any repurcussions.

I also understand this is for Trials Forums which to me is really the only place I come for help (Other than friends)

Would it be prudent to compliment someone on good work whilst not being able to comment on poor work - I think perhaps "Named and Shamed" is possibly over aggressive terminology.

I'm sure there must be a middle ground that Andy is "Happier" with whilst still enabling us to direct our business to people who have given good sevice and to steer away from others.

I for one do not have an endless budget for my Trials Bikes and hence need all of the sensible advice I can get - The only time I can't take sensible advice is about going home from the pub early the night before a trial - OK if your'e in the Sidecar but a nightmare if it's solo's

Always Wobbling

The Wobbler

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