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Rev 3 Exhaust


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Hi all,

I guess this is not really anything to worry about, but suddenly (last week) my exhaust started going blue...hopefully you can see on the pic.

I guess its obviously? excessive heat that makes it do that??

But just wondered if it means the bike is running too hot or something??

Any advice/ideas greatly appreciated ;)

It is often about 30 degrees celcius here, I run a Champion N7YCC plug, and its often about 95+ percent humidity also!!!

Bike has plenty of coolant in it.

I'm using REPSOL 2T


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Waaaaaaaah!!!!!!!......panic..that sounds serious??

And I wouldnt have a clue how to get at that woodruff key thingy..but some of my trials mates would ;) (luckily for me)...so I'll maybe get them to check it.

Thanks for the idea Petedad....keep 'em coming folks! :D

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Not serious at all mate, take off the casing , get the proper puller and take off the flywheel youll see straight away if the woodruff key on the crankshaft has started to shear along its length .If it has just pop it out and replace with a new one , refit your flywheel , making sure it on the taper and lined up properly with the key way , refit your casing and bobs your uncle ;)

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Thanks everyone.

I know the coolant is Ok...and plug is OK...but I will check the woodruff key as soon as possible, and clean exhaust..I will also try using less oil. I use about 70 to 1 so maybe a leaner mix like you suggest HondaRS will work.

THanks again ;):D


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HOndaRS....sorry, I should have said earlier, that the front pipe is only about 3 months old..and at that same time I also repacked the rear exhaust...but NOT the middle.

ANyway...have taken your suggestion on trying 80:1....and will also still try to get someone to help me check the woodruff key soon.

Will keep you all informed!....thanks again everyone ;)

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