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Brit Champ Mitchell - Stil Time To Enter

john collins

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As everyone knows - the St Davids - round 1 if Brit Champ was cancelled so Mitchell - May 29th now becomes first round.

The organisers are working hard - but inform us there are still some entries available.

At the start of each year we receive complaints from people who do not believe they are high enough the entry priority list - cannot get a ride in series etc - only to find at first round - many have not entered !

We always re- do the lists after the first round - so here is a chance for some riders to move swiftly up the priority order.

There has probably been a fair bit iof confusion and dismay through the DEFRA situation - with some doubts about exactly which British Champ rounds were on/off - but the message thankfully now is everything appears to be back on song - only Round 1 was cancelled - and we will certainly be looking at the calendars to see if the St David's can be re-scheduled for a later part of year.

John Collins

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I understand the reasoning and need to re-do the list but surely it should be after at least 2 rounds. A rider may have a very valid reason for not entering the first event, or a rider who has entered could have a particularly good or bad day. I don't believe a true reflection can be gained from just one event.

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well said STC i havent entered because of a problem with my shoulder , its ok at club trials but for big steps/drops etc at british rounds i wouldnt be able to hold on.

Hopefully i can still get an entry in the next rounds when it heals


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Yes - we will also look at it again after 2 rounds - no problem - but - riders who ride the first round - and score points should surely then be able to continue onto the second.

Also as I have said before - we get names of some very good riders - who registaer to just perhaps do their own local round - and do not do any others - this is not a problem when there is space - but we must give priority to the regular riders.

As also previously stated - the list is far from an exact science - and often seems a lot of work for a result which is not that satisfactory - and one critisicm ( fair I think) is that is sometimes difficult for a rider who did not contest the series the previous year ( perhaps he could not get an entry) - to then be very high up a list based initially on results he could not possibly have achieved ( think that makes sense ? )

So - the first round - if it has places - is a good chance for such a rider to show his potential .

I know it sounds complicated - and I have previously sated we will look at it again in future to improve it. The DEFRA situation complicated things this year - but now we are back on track we will look at the list after round 1 and 2 at least

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