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Ty / Yz Brake Shoes

old trials fanatic

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Heres a long shot. I've got a TY250 mono fitted with drum brakes and the front brake plate has been changed to one that has the brake arm outside not inside like the std TY250 mono.

I dimly remember back in the 80's a popular mod before disc brakes was to fit i think a brake plate off a YZ125 which might be what this has.

I need to order some new brake shoes but everybody wants to know what it's off and i'm not sure nor do i know the year however the shoes on it which need replaceing are OEM Yamaha and are stamped 322-00 ASK 1037 SR2FF so does anybody have access to a cross reference for EBC or Newfren so i can order some new shoes. Tried Yamaha UK but without the model they said they cant help.

Any ideas guys?

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I use Villiers services, you can do through Ebay, measure your drum and then tell then what thickness linings you want and let them know its for trials bike. Its about £18.00 per pair. I had some done recently and they work a treat.

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If i cant find EBC or Newfren reference numbers then as a worse case scenarion i will have to get the old ones relined. However i would probably also have to get the alloy castings machined and refurbished also as the metal surface that bears on the brake actuating pivot is worn also which is why i was looking to buy some new ones and i was then going to perhaps get them relined with a better i.e. softer material and machined to the exact drum diamension. Done this on the James and transforms the braking but the James is easy the hubs use Tiger Cub shoes which are plentiful. As i said these are hard to identify apparently so much more difficult and also expensive to get right.

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OTF, boy its your lucky day!! I did the same thing on the rebuilt Superglitz Yam when I fitted the TY Mono forks and yokes. The wheel that I acquired (FOC) from a friend had those 322 shoes. You can see if your wheel looks similar to the one I fitted. These wheels which fit the Mono forks are from either 80-82 IT models or from the 80/81 YZ. They all carry 322 shoes which EBC cross relate to the grooved 507G so that is what you want!




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