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Just Started Trials


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Hello everyone! I've only been doing trials for a couple of months now and I am really enjoying it. I have included a video in the post so you can see the sort of stuff I get up to :)

Hope you enjoy it and if you feel like leaving any tips for me they are appreciated (I'm 15 by the way)

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Nice video and riding:) the gopros are great cameras I used to put it on my helmet but I didnt really like it (you can't see enough of the bike and it's very high up) I got the chest mount strap thingy and it's amazing I havevent put anything on YouTube yet but will do shortly:) its well worth £35

Could you post the link to your YouTube channel.


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Nice video and riding:) the gopros are great cameras I used to put it on my helmet but I didnt really like it (you can't see enough of the bike and it's very high up) I got the chest mount strap thingy and it's amazing I havevent put anything on YouTube yet but will do shortly:) its well worth £35

Could you post the link to your YouTube channel.


Thanks :) Here is my Channel


I might have to buy a Chest mount soon then :D

Edited by toxiic_pompey
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Hi Toxiic_pompey

Not bad for a young newbie.

You will soon be riding over them logs on the back wheel and accross those gullies not along them.

Nice play ground.

Where do you lads get that awfull music from??? (I am 51 by the way)


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Looks like you are having fun. Stick with it and enjoy. :thumbup:

One quick piece of advice: you should try to "cover the front brake" when you ride. You are doing good with keeping a finger on your clutch lever as you ride but you should try doing the same thing with the front brake. This makes it easier to use the front brake immediately after an obstacle or when an unexpected need for the front brake comes up.

Where do you lads get that awfull music from??? (I am 51 by the way)


one of the reasons I watch trials vids with the sound off now..............(I am 40 and according to my wife and kids "A grumpy old man" HAHA)

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I consider myself fortunate my dinner fork won't fit inside my ear or I would have gouged out my eardrums but as for the vid, right on man, I would like to try out some man made obstacles some day, looks like a cool place to ride

I'm just shy of 2 years in trials and it never gets boring, frustrating yes and there is so much to learn

Get someone to video your riding so you can see yourself and compare your movements to other riders

Bring on the vids

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Aha don't worry. Next time i'll use better music. Stupid Youtube was copyrighting me on other songs I used and believe me I used a lot! :)

Also I'll try and get my dad to film me next time I go out and I'll put the videos together so you can get 2 different perspectives.

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Having someone else film you would be helpful and a bit humbling, I know this from experience. I swear I felt like a superstar when I went over tbat big rock! But on video I looked like an Emu that just couldn't get it's legs in thd right spot.

As for your musical choices, make your videos for what YOU like. They are YOUR videos after all. Don't let a bunch of us old codgers change your mind. (I personally prefer to hear the sound of the motor. But sometimes there is too much wind and all one hears is the wwwhhhooooooossshhh of wind)

Above all else have fun, stick with it. And you will get much enjoyment from the sport. Non-trials riders will wonder why you are screaming excited and jumping up and down happy when you mastered that hard 90 degree turn and over the 4 foot log immediately after....... but we don't ride for them.

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Zippy you truly are a trials philosopher, but is that really how you spell wwwhhhooooooossshhh? I thought there should only be 5 O's!!

Thanks Duffers,

The extra O's are to provide emphasis on the importance of the sound. Yes the standard spelling is with only 5 O's but the number of O's increases proportionally to the emphatic importance of the emotion that the writer is trying to get across. Very much similiar to the use of profane expletives. I will provide examples.

1st loop - "Wow that is a hard 90 degree turn then over the 4 foot log"

2nd loop - " I am beginning to hate that sharp turn and log combo"

3rd loop - " That D*** Turn and Log got me 5 points again"

4th loop - " I just 5ed that !@#$%^&*^%$#$%^&*&^%$%^& Turn and Log AGAIN!!" "#$$%^&^^ IT I QUIT RIDING!"

(translation: I must really not like the sound of wind and would prefer music or sound off instead of wind on videos :D )

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