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Noobie From The States.


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I’ve been riding bikes (dirt & street) since I was 7 but this is my first trials bike. I recently traded my old DR650 for a 05 Beta Rev3 270. I haven’t had much ride time on it yet but I’m already wondering why I’ve waited so long to get one. There is going to be a learning curve as I normally hold on the bike with my knees /legs and I have use my feet more now but...................damn fun

After searching around the internet it seems all trials roads lead here. So I thought I’d stop in, say hi and start reading.


Edited by crazy_dave
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Welcome to the wonderful weird world of trials! :thumbup:

You are correct about a learning curve. You already know where all the controls are located, but you will use them differently than you are used to. do not get discouraged at your rate of progress, if you think it is too slow. Just remember to focus on fun and learning the rest will come later.

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