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Lower Rear Fender?


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Just bought a 2010 GG 280 pro coming off a 2002 Beta Rev3. The bike is a huge improvement, except the height/location of the rear fender. I am only 5'6", and I find the fender hits me in the ass every time I go down something really steep. I am riding in BC, we have a lot of long steep descents and I find this really sketchy. Its not the floppy back part of the fender, but right where the air box ends and the fender starts to flatten out

When I put it next to a Rev3 or an Evo it is obvious that the GG fender is way higher and more forward. Kinda wish I'd have seen this bike next to an Evo, id probably have bought another Beta as this was never an issue on my Rev3. Has anyone tried heating and bending the back of the air box or even cutting the tab on the back of the air box and moving the fender forward and down? I am thinking if I cut the tab on the back of the airbox and slide the fender down it will help, but figured I'd see if any GG riders had come up with a more creative solution before I take a jigsaw to my new bike...

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Just bought a 2010 GG 280 pro coming off a 2002 Beta Rev3. The bike is a huge improvement, except the height/location of the rear fender. I am only 5'6", and I find the fender hits me in the ass every time I go down something really steep. I am riding in BC, we have a lot of long steep descents and I find this really sketchy. Its not the floppy back part of the fender, but right where the air box ends and the fender starts to flatten out

When I put it next to a Rev3 or an Evo it is obvious that the GG fender is way higher and more forward. Kinda wish I'd have seen this bike next to an Evo, id probably have bought another Beta as this was never an issue on my Rev3. Has anyone tried heating and bending the back of the air box or even cutting the tab on the back of the air box and moving the fender forward and down? I am thinking if I cut the tab on the back of the airbox and slide the fender down it will help, but figured I'd see if any GG riders had come up with a more creative solution before I take a jigsaw to my new bike...

If you watch all the other riders on steep dropoffs, the fender is against the fanny. You may want to adjust your riding style a little for the new bike but I would not start cutting on the airbox.


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