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  On 4/12/2013 at 5:58 PM, nigel dabster said:

Its misinformation like this that makes the daily mail seem truthful.

The nazis murdered millions, where and when did communists do more than 25,000?

Nurse, he's out of bed again.


Nige, where have you been living? The Gulags weren't holiday camps.

I do not know where JJ65 got his information from but it matches what I was taught at school and also this:



The works of German Journalist Marta Hillers (if you have a strong stomach).

Antony Beevor's book (sorry I can't immediately name it).

Laurence Rhys.

Prof Richard Evans (History lecturer at Cambridge).

The 20 million figure may span the length of WW2 and slightly beyond but during WW2 alone the figures would point to a lot more than the 25,000 that you concede ( I presume you're referring to the Katyn massacres?)

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  On 4/12/2013 at 10:23 PM, ham2 said:

The 20 million figure may span the length of WW2 and slightly beyond

Roughly 1933 to 1952 (Stalins death). The majority during the purges prior to the great patriotic war.

Wayne, I'll say this again... :wall: I used WSC as an example of another politician who ruined thousands of lives. The circumstances are irrelevant for the purposes of this discussion. Neither he nor Thatcher are particularly unusual.

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  On 4/9/2013 at 11:43 AM, andy said:

Don't be surprised if this topic disappears. Every place I've seen it discussed - news sites, social networking and other forums, it's descended into a pitch battle.

Yeah of little faith !

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  On 4/12/2013 at 10:43 AM, ham2 said:

Winnie was the right man at the right time, our warmonger in a war-torn Europe.

To digress, again: no argument here. WSC was destined for greatness. He was the first politician to recognize the threat of Nazism and the first to draw attention to it. The problem was that he had developed a reputation as a dramatist and zealous self promoter and was ignored. But, IMO, his greatest asset was that he recognized that Britain could not fight the war on it's own and needed the US. He also knew that it just a matter of time before the US was dragged into the war. To this end he courted the US, a position for which he was well qualified (being half American), whilst treading water.

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  On 4/12/2013 at 10:40 PM, toofasttim said:

......... The problem was that he had developed a reputation as a dramatist and zealous self promoter ..........

It's impossible to disagree with you on these aspects of his character; as Home Secretary he should not have been on the front line in the Siege of Sidney Street but his 'derring-do' gung-ho attitude got the better of him, he even ordered up an artillery piece to be pointed at the robbers lair ! The legend that he was so close to the action that he took a bullet hole to his top-hat was proved to be pure propaganda as well.

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  On 4/12/2013 at 10:23 PM, ham2 said:

The 20 million figure may span the length of WW2 and slightly beyond but during WW2 alone the figures would point to a lot more than the 25,000 that you concede ( I presume you're referring to the Katyn massacres?)

Your lovely graph actually disproves your first point, the communists were no where near a close second, if you wish to be a Holocaust sceptic thats your choice, but stalin from 23 to 54 hardly counts does it?


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  On 4/13/2013 at 2:49 PM, nigel dabster said:

Your lovely graph actually disproves your first point, the communists were no where near a close second, if you wish to be a Holocaust sceptic thats your choice, but stalin from 23 to 54 hardly counts does it?


?????? Nigel comrade you need help. ...You do know that it's an area displacement graph?

''23-54 Hardly counts''..What???

Did you see the ranking table, second and third were Commy regimes? It's not as if I sourced from Fox News.

Are you in denial about Stalin and what are you talking about the Holocaust for are you suggesting that I'm anti-semitic?

You asked how many and when, I've shown you it was nearer 20 million than your 25,000, are you still p155ed at Wolfy Smith not being on the telly? Did you read any of the works I pointed out for you ?

Try this:-


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Stalin prolly shot 25,000 of his own durind WWll for not marching when ordered! After that they marched!

One tough bunch ! Glad I was not in Germany at the end of the war, yet if Hitler wanted to find out what the s--t end of the stick looked like, they were the best to administer it! Not that I condone rape and pillage, yet in a sense, they got what they deserved.

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  On 4/14/2013 at 6:26 AM, nigel dabster said:

I stand by what I said this is simply, not true.

I've not said that my sources are 101% accurate (nothing can be) but it's a base for my opinion.

You could have simply named your sources to back up your statement but for some reason you haven't. If you're so deep in denial then I don't know what's worse; the mass rapists or their apologist !

You've run from; verification of your points, the challenge of the question of antisemitism and dismissed independent figures and accounts because of what? Your blinkered ideology.

You give Socialists a bad name, back up your opinions with something non generic and no 'subjective validation'. You need to man up, it might not be too late, if Maggie carried a donor card you could still be in time to get a gonad transplant.

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