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Caught On Camera


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I thought the purpose of this thread was to identify a couple of bike thieve's.

Funny it only took two posts before the priority changed to slagging off the police!


Edited by duffers
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I thought the purpose of this thread was to identify a couple of bike thieve's.

Funny it only took two posts before the priority changed to slagging off the police!


WE ARE VERY SORRY THAT YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED....you pompous knacker! no, make that two exclamation marks! Funny.

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I thought the purpose of this thread was to identify a couple of bike thieve's.

Funny it only took two posts before the priority changed to slagging off the police!


Cant you see it's peoples frustration with the apparent lack of action and support from those that we were brought up to believe were there to protect us that prompts the responses? OK they are arguably better than nothing however it cant just be dogma that makes so many disillusioned in those that year on year cost us community charge payers more and more whilst all the other contributors to that charge have not, in my area anyway, increased their % by one penny for the last three years. I live barely 2 miles as the crow flies from Derbyshire Police HQ and all I ever see is Police cars and vans driving round oh yes and that bloody helicopter 24/7 but do you actually see them doing anything else ? Have you ever been on the end of a positive result of you contacting the Police ? Possible some of you would say yes but I cant think of one instance I sincerely wish I could. THATS why so many have chosen to voice their frustration via TC in this thread. If you take anything from the comments then it's a plea for some action from plod that we who pay for them can feel money well spent about and one of those dear to the hearts of most of right thinking citizen's is the eradication of ar5eholes like these who are parasites on the back of hard working people. There's enough parasites in this welfare state as it is. Edited by old trials fanatic
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