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So anyway ,rewind a bit to talk of falling entry numbers at trials and the influx of young riders .

Well , i've done three trials in the Northwest of England in two weeks .There's been over seventy riders at each .

That's a decent turnout . A good mix of age's and a few ladies too .

I half expected thirty or so .

What's the attendance like where you are ?


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MOTA (Michigan Ontario Trials Association) had a turn out of 55 riders and 65 riders at the last two events. I think that is the largest turn out in a few years. (but I could be wrong) There were a good amount of new riders coming from other disciplines and some "older" riders returning to the sport.

I am very pleased to have new riders and returning riders show up for events. Please keep coming and riding.

Team WGASA will try to continue with the high level of entertainment we provide for all. (Notice I said nothing about riding well, mostly we provide crashes, costumes and general sillyness)

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