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How Many Clubs Own Their Own Land?


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I was just curious, with land use rights diminishing due to sprawl and environmentalist, have clubs considered purchasin land? Do any of your clubs own their own land for riding? What kinds of problems are incurred in a club owning property i.e. taxes, insurance, liability etc?

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The best club I've known for land is Scarborough. I used to ride there as a lad over 25 years ago. Low North Park - Harwood Dale.

I think it was a bloke called Peter Race some of you may know him, who pushed the club to buy it years ago for just a couple of Grand (Probably a lot of money at that time). I would say its a couple of thousand acres of ex MoD land with streams, rivers, rocks, mud, slippery banks, trees/logs.

Not sure whether its true that they sold their clubhouse for it, but I'm sure everyone there would agree it was worth it.

You could actually run about 3 trials there on the same day with separate parking on hard standing and not cross paths.

Will get back up there some time for a trip down memory lane.

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Our club owns 270+ Acres of property. The way we do it, only members are allowed to ride on the property (except during events, which are sanctioned) as all members are considered owners, a lawsuit would be difficult, as in effect, you would be suing yourself.

Sanctioned events are covered using AMA recommended insurance companies. We are presently considering guest passes, but have yet to agree on a safe method. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them.

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