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Bsa Project


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I did manage to hold off for 2 months before thinking about starting another :-)

I fancy building a unit BSA, so what's the best frame to get?

I'm not interested in making it eligible for the Scottish, I just want to build something to ride and enjoy all year round.

All help much appreciated, please PM me if you prefer.

Thanks all.......

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Well done ! Does that mean I can borrow your HT ? I do have an idea about a BSA frame for you - but I need to speak to someone at the Eurocup this weekend to find out more about them.

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In a word "No", will be there both days for the Euro Cup, observing on Saturday, riding on Sunday, looking forward to it. If you're interested, cleans are a quid, and a dab is 75p :-) A man has to make a living HT's are not cheap

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