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Hi! What Bike?


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Hi all, first post here I'm a UK resident in the South West,

I've not ridden a trials bike before but have had a YZ 125 and CR 250 in the past so have some off road experience, I now want to get into trials and am going to muddy wheels in Devon soon to have a day on a bike and get some riding tips before I jump in with a bike purchase.

I'm 6' 3" and 15.5 stone with me pants only on. :moon:I've been thinking of getting a 125 with the theory being it wont punish me as much when the inevitable happens but would I be better off with a 250 due to my weight?

Also I assume a 250's easier to ride as long as the throttles not revved mistakenly.

I would like to spend between £1500-£2000 or so to get something fairly new and in good condition, what model on models would anyone who cares to comment suggest are the best for a beginner and what should I steer clear of?

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250 would be fine there all reasonbly ok all having there pitfalls personally id stay away from sherco or get one of the older ones with the tank on top of frame ,might be best to get a cheap one to start with incase you dont like it your moto x skills will be useless in trials riding ,a 4t scorpa 175 or beta rev4 could be an easy to use starting bike ,a beta rev3 or evo 200cc would be ideal if you can find one

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Trials bikes / Motocross bikes are chalk and cheese, as are the riding styles (I'm sure you know this).

I can truly say that riding my mountain bike in Wales is more relevant than the two years I spent riding Enduro.

Opinion warning!!

  • As you're a big lad I wouldn't buy a 125. They're very capable but need a committed approach, 15 stone will exacerbate this.
  • 250's have a wider spread of power, meaning they're more forgiving to ride.
  • All capacities power delivery can be adjusted by more / less compression, flywheels, etc.
  • All models (125's - 300's) require the same good throttle / clutch control.
  • I don't find the bigger cc bikes any harder to ride. Like riding a big road bike they can be pussycats until you get sloppy.
  • £2000 buys you a 3 or 4 year old bike from the most common 3 manufacturers (Beta / Sherco / GasGas)
  • Buy on condition rather than age because spares are expensive.
  • As a beginner a good condition 2005 bike will see you through your first year without much performance penalty.
  • Watch a good rider win on a 1990 TY mono to understand trials is more rider than bike.

There.... got that off my chest

Good Luck

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Thanks for the replies,

My motocross skills were pretty non existent anyway to be honest but did teach me the basics of riding a bike and that they should be treated with a lot of respect,

I also go mountain biking in Wales, the Twrch trail and the Afan forest but only like the down hill part these days so looking to put a engine between my legs my Santa Cruz has to go to make way for the trials.

A 250 sounds most suitable then I will keep looking.

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