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'72 Mar Transmission Fill Location


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Hi All,

Might be scary that I'd have to ask this but, this is my first Ossa so...

Anyway, can some please tell me where the transmission oil fill location is on a '72 MAR? The drain was pretty straight forward, I think...big plug on the bottom, right? Fill location is not so evident. I understand the volume is 800cc-1000cc.

Thanks in advance,


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Yep, drained from the bottom, and filled through the small cover on the side of the engine. The manual calls for 1 quart of 80W gearbox oil, or 30W motor oil. It doesn't say whether that's a US quart (946cc), or UK quart (1136cc)! I've always used a US quart, and that works fine.

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the help. Just as you say, I found out the left side frame tab is extra thick and as noted the bolt were AT ONE TIME THREADED. Looks like the had been drilled out. On a long shot I ran 8mm tap through it. Seems like I was able to cut some threads so I'm gonna see how that works and yeah, the right side can be done with nuts and bolts but I may tap those too.

Closer examination of my bash plate revealed the word "RENTHAL" stamped in it...interesting, huh? It has holes drilled for the right and left rear mounts but, none for the center...I guess even Renthal gave up on those. After I get some time on the bike I'll take a shot at getting those hole located. Also thinking of putting some thin neoprene rubber or rubber strip in between the bash plate and engine cases just to see if it will dampen some of the engine noise and vibration. I doubt I'm the first to think of this. Anybody else??? Does it work? I figure it can't hurt.

So, now I'm gonna get this thing buttoned up and get some time on it...hopefully without getting my neighbors too upset.

Thanks again to all...more questions to follow in the future I'm sure...By the way, anybody currently riding an MAR in AHRMA events?



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