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Classic Experts 2013


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Don't know which email address you used but try this one as this is the one Anne uses to send out results etc.


Normally on the Saturday of Remembrance weekend, although it may have been a week earlier last year, can't remember.

I haven't heard from anywhere that it isn't on.

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Have you had your bike recorded on the NOVA database with HMRC? DVLA will no longer registter an old vehicle that's been imported (ie: anything that wasn't of UK manufacture) without it being recorded on NOVA to confirm no VAT is due. It doesn't mention this anywhere on their website for registering old vehicles on an age related plate but it is a pre-requisite now with no exception

I took my V55/5 into the local DVLA office on August 3rd, they checked the paperwork, confirmed it in order and sent the forms to Swansea saying I'd have the registration in about 10 days. They confirmed what I believed, that NOVA wasn't required as the bikes had been in the UK for 30 - 40 years and VAT would have been paid when they were imported. Two of them were too old for VAT anyway... Nearly 3 weeks later I got the paperwork back, rejected because my bikes weren't recorded on NOVA with HMRC.

I sent the necessary forms to HMRC - you can do it online or manually by post. I defy anyone to be able to complete them online as they aren't appropriate for old vehicles with the information they require - even HMRC staff couldn't complete it online for me with me reading out the bike details, bike age, date brought into the UK, name of seller etc. The NOVA recording is supposed to be for vehicles brought into the UK independently from April this year to prove VAT has been paid. DVLA don;t seem to understand this and want EVERY application to be recorded on NOVA first. It's nothing to do with HMRC, it's DVLA not being able to apply their own rules properly.

If you can complete NOVA online, your vehicle goes onto the database immediately. If you apply by post it takes about 3 weeks turnaround. Mine were eventually put on NOVA and I sent my V/55 applications back to Swansea over a week ago. I'm now hoping they will be registered. I'm waiting to either get tax discs in the post or the applications returned for another missing requirement with the documentation.

Nearly 2 months so far for what used to take a matter of hours at the local DVLA office....

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Thanks Woody, I only heard about the Nova thing recently, someone said my TLR wouldn't need it, can't remember why ? Just waiting to see what happens?? The TLR was imported within the last 2 years and I had the American title and duty paid paperwork. I imported a road bike from Southern Ireland last year and registered it easily, they didn't even inspect it. Fingers crossed. :popcorn:

If I had known about the Classic experts I may have left the registering?? Bantams registered though.

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NOVA only came to being in April this year, so if your Honda was imported in the last couple of years it's doubtful it's going to be on that database, so be prepared to get your application back as requiring NOVA approval.

One day, DVLA might grasp how this process is supposed to work and the real reason it was introduced. Until then, we're probably all going to suffer when trying to do things properly in getting old bikes road legal

Shame about the Experts, always look forward to and enjoy that event.

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