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Beta Tr34 Suspension Setting

big wheeler

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:P can anyone please explain the correct way to set up the rear suspension on my tr34

how much tension do i put on the spring adjuster?

how should i set the seperate chamber ?ithink this is the damping

should i pump up with air or gas

how much damping should i set on the rebound adjuster

sorry to ask simple questions but have never ridden a trials bike before so i have no idea when where or why i should adjust settings,come to think of it could someone recommend a decent book on trials riding and where to obtain as i seem to have a million and one questions to ask, thanks once again for your time effort and most of all your patience

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Big Wheeler,

Quick version is -

Use 5w oil in your forks. Preload should be set so the forks compress 1/3 of the total travel (about 50 mm) when you are standing on the bike. You can make suitable preload spacers from PVC pipe, but make sure the ends are cut squarely.

At the back end, you should adjust the preload so that the rear end sags 1/3 of the total (which should be about 50 mm measured at the axle).

As for damping, it is important that the front and rear compress and rebound at the same speed. You will probably find that any damping adjustment on the rear shock will have only minimal effect.

If you think the shock has lost its charge, you can either get it serviced or just put air in it. I have done this a number of times and it works fine. (air is 86% nitrogen anyway).

Nobody writes trials books anymore. They cost too much to print. If you can get hold of a copy of Bernie Schrieber's book, it is good. But it has been out of print for a long time. The best thing is to get a good video. They are far superior to a book. There are a number of good ones, but the best is probably Ryan Youngs. Hit the RYP link on the TC home page to get info on it.

Also, there is a series of tech articles available from one of the pull down menus on the TC home page. A lot of people have never noticed it.

My first trials bike was an '87 TR34.


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cheers ron,preload spacers? :P do these go inside the forks above the springs.

Please tell me iff this is the genral idea put a cable tie around the fork without me on it so forks are at top of stroke,stand on machine so forks compress,get off machine and measure how far cable tie has travelled adjust length of spacer to either lower or raise forks

sorry to be a pain in the butt but all this is new to me but ifeel iff the bike is set up something like i stand a better chance of learning how to ride

yours mark

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do these go inside the forks above the springs.

Please tell me iff this is the genral idea put a cable tie around the fork without me on it so forks are at top of stroke,stand on machine so forks compress,get off machine and measure how far cable tie has travelled adjust length of spacer to either lower or raise forks

Yes, Yes

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  • 3 years later...
Use 5w oil in your forks.


If you think the shock has lost its charge, you can either get it serviced or just put air in it. I have done this a number of times and it works fine. (air is 86% nitrogen anyway).

5w answers another one of my questions just asked in another thread :hyper:

As for the shock, I like the idea of putting air in it - this is for preload rather than getting it charged properly, but what pressure doe it require?? Obviously depends on how much preload you want, but are we talking 1-10psi or 100-1000 ... one I can get with my footpump, the other I can't :o

Are the stock TR shocks dismantleable?? Mine lascks damping and therefore could do with a service ... but I don't know if it can be taken apart or how much it will cost to get done ...

Also if I can re-charge with simple air, then I can take it apart myself and stick some oil in (any idea ow much?).

Questions, questions, questions!! :huh:

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