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Vented Helmets


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I'm looking for a new trials helmet. Some have no venting, some have what appears to be a minimal amount and the Airoh has huge vents. I tried Airoh on in a shop, but the shop keeper said the vents aren't that effective. I wondered what other peoples experiences are?

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Very pleased with my Airoh. any helmet can get hot because polystyrene is heat insulation and so needs vents (more the better) I would buy the same again!

I previously had a 'Shiro' with vent holes and I cut the holes in the polystyrene to make them bigger but without airflow they don't work.

It was a cheap helmet with rubbish foam padding that just gets sodden and then it runs down your face and back of your neck. Yuk.

Edited by richt
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Another happy Airoh owner here, I would buy another for sure

I like how the liner comes in and out, it's good quality and easy to clean

I also like the snap strap, I can use it with gloves

And lastly, I looks like it was made for Star Wars movies.......I like that :)

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Thanks. All good reasons to buy an Airoh. But which colour is cooler? Black radiates heater better, but white reflects heat better. Would it make any difference?

Star Wars, Red Dwarf. What about Blakes 7? I remember thinking it was funny seeing various bits of mx kit being worn in that. Boots, body armour etc.

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I went from Bieffe to Shiro to Airoh. Vents definitely help but not as much as you would expect. Trials is slow speed so there is not a lot of air flow to use. Second,the helmets do not have intake and output ports like street helmets. The vents are more like windows that allow some heat to radiate out. I agree that the Shiro is not real high quality while the Airoh is but that may be reflected in the price.

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Any views out there on the Wulfsport Airflo or Torx Doug? Both are budget options with some degree of venting. I currently use an Xpeed in which I get drenched with sweat (and doesn't have a removable lining) but probably optimistic to think that any helmet would make all that much difference?

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I have a Hebo and a Shoei, the Shoei was expensive but its now six years old. Its the only trials helmet I have had that I can actually feel the vents working.

As mentioned above about flow, the Shoei does have inflow at the front and an exit on the top. On a cold day its effective enough to make you stop and close the input vent.

I like the look of the Airoh but the size of the vents concerns me, the primary function of a helmet is to protect your head and I think the vents are a bit too big to do that. Just my view and judging by the sales lots of people disagree.

The Hebo has some venting but nowhere near as effective

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Ventilation is air movement, if you are not moving then probably no ventilation.

Here's an idea!!

A fan unit attached to something like a wait belt and an air duct to the helmet feeding/drawing sounds quite plausible :thumbup:

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Ventilation is air movement, if you are not moving then probably no ventilation.

Here's an idea!!

A fan unit attached to something like a wait belt and an air duct to the helmet feeding/drawing sounds quite plausible :thumbup:

But a fan on a belt feeding air into the helmet would be too close to my exhaust to be feeding fresh air...............well something would be fresh. :barf:

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''...............well something would be fresh. ''

Hmm, I think I understand where your / it's coming from.

The flow I think should be drawn from the helmet so the air stays ambient instead of the heat from the fan motor making your helmet hotter :thumbup:

I look fwd to your next comment Zippy! :)

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