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Fresh Meat...........


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Hi People,

*in my best Cilla Black voice*

I'm Dougie and I'm from the Wirral...................

First things first I suppose as the new boy whats everyone drinking ? virtual drinks are on me !! :guinness: :guinness: :beer: :beer:

OK so I am new to the trials scene but am as keen as mustard more so for my 8Yr old boy, I learnt to ride on the fields like most ( when it was generally accepted/ nobody caused trouble & we didnt sue the owner of the land if we binned it) then ventured on road got board of that and started riding byways and green lanes etc on the road leagl enduro style bikes, still doing it and still loving it.

My respect for trials has always been there and has fascinated me control, skill and style wise anyway it has really caught my eye now and I fancy a bash !

However I see this as the perfect starting point for my youngest son to start riding bikes and I know he will thoroughly enjoy and hopefully excell at the sport, I really dont want to go down the motoX road, especially after visting a recent Frodsham trial at Mouldsworth and a Cheshire Youth event @ swann farm the relaxed atmosphere coupled with the politeness and welcoming attitude of everyone I encounted sealed it for me.

I am currently on the lookout for a "Gas Gas TXT 50 boy" if anyone knows of any going please get in touch ( anything considered) have just got in from a 340mile round trip where the terribly nice lad with the sandwich short of a picnic failed to inform me of a basic faults on the bike ( assured me that all the work recently done and bike had been checked over by an expert) wheel bearing , shock linkedge etc so It kind of made me wonder what sort of workmanship and TLC had gone into the other jobs internally and he refused to meet me half way on the price of the parts so I returned with a empty van ! :wall: So the search continues........

Right thats enough of my drivvle so shout out your drink and lets here what you have to say, all advice/ tips / warnings pointers will be gratefully rreceived and duly noted.

Best Regards

Dougie :moon:

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Hi Dougie

Mines a Lager, cheers!!

When you get started you won't be disappointed.

I got great pleasure from teaching my son to ride, then the competitions (I was a newby too) and then watching him getting better and better, and then better than ME!

Think he was 10 when he started.



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Yes Nelly that was me @ Frodsham, how did you get on that day ?

Your daughter looked like she was getting to grips well with the 80, was that a full or medium wheeled bike can't quite remember and if it's not her first bike what did she start / learn on ?



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Tltel...... enjoy the beer my friend :beer:

Yes mate I cannot wait to get started with him and hope he enjoys it, failing that I will sell his and get myself one sooner :-P

But no I am sure he will be fine and take to it well he is really enjoying riding bikes now and even at 8yrs the little electric import / rip off motoX bike that I borrowed for him to try he loves it !

Already been looking at a ACU license for him so he can enter some events

But my question is " where are all the gas gas 50 boys " cannot find a decent reasonably priced one anywhere ????



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