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Where Can I Get Montesa Cota 200 Main Bearings?


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Hi ben , not sure if its coincidence but an add came up under your post for www.qualitybearingsonline.com there are other companies that you can try too. most bearings and seals can be matched to size or part numbers, there maybe a supplier near you if you want to get one off the shelf.


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i also use simply bearings good price good service. if you have never stripped a cota 200 before i would take some photos of the kickstart gear setup and the gearbox as you strip it and note the shim positions as they are important and one of the reasons cotas have a rep for a weak gearbox is people mixing the gearbox shims up. As for your previous post the mains will just drop in if you warm the cases up first

Edited by paulc76
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