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What Things Affect You When You Choose What's Best Brand?


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Just to ask your opinion, what do you think about marketing of trial motorcycle brands? Do you think it affects on you if companies are marketing their trial motorcycles in competitions and other events?

Would you prefer to first try the bike, or could you buy it just because it is "the best" brand and you trust it?

Or would you rather take someone's advice, your friend, family, etc.?

Our school project is to start a trial motorcycle factory, and we should think how to get connected with you, experts in the field?

I would really be happy to get any advices and opinions about how to build the BEST trial motorcycle, where we should sell them, what else we should consider and how to get your (=meaning the riders) respect! :thumbup:

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Bike sales depends more than anything on personal opinion.

You have to get enough people to think this bike is worthy of their money.

There is a massive difference between best brand, success, sales and starting a trials factory.

As a case study it might be worth looking at recent entries to the market, Ossa and JTG.

Have they the best brand?

Are they selling?

Will they survive this recession?

Why are so many factories in Catalonia?

Marketing is only a fraction of this.

Years ago we had factory riders sponsored local riders and many things inbetween, now not that much.

It is a very very small market, and the world championship is "bought" by Montesa Honda and they probably don't break even, and of the big four probably sell fewest bikes.

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I believe the categories are equal and must be addressed by the factory,

No two riders will rate the categories the same.

Top competition riders vs recreational riders may view the categories differently.

if you are number 1 in all categories you will do well.



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As a side note, imo, trials emerging markets are x-training for other motorcycle disciplines. (an excellent market for pre owned trial bikes)

Trail / trial bikes which can fill the void between the trial and enduro bikes which have evolved into fantastic machines but quite specific to their uses.

Number one x training discipline is enduro, therefore countries with strong enduro markets will help trials sales.


good luck on your project

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Surely you'd only buy a bike that you ride well?

Regardless of looks, (perceived) quality, cost etc you'd first and foremost buy the bike that best suited you and your budget.

If it was only reliability then I guess everyone would have a Mont.

If it was warranty / aftercare service everyone would have a Beta or Ossa and NO ONE would own a Gas Gas

Based on this it's a pity there isn't a pinned post called -

No more 'what bike is best threads : ride every make in your budget and buy the one I you feel most comfortable on'

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Availability of brands and or good service plays also an important part.

Over the last years there are more (multi brand) dealers in Belgium and dealers that only used to sell one brand now sell two for instance.

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Surely you'd only buy a bike that you ride well?

Regardless of looks, (perceived) quality, cost etc you'd first and foremost buy the bike that best suited you and your budget.

If it was only reliability then I guess everyone would have a Mont.

If it was warranty / aftercare service everyone would have a Beta or Ossa and NO ONE would own a Gas Gas

Based on this it's a pity there isn't a pinned post called -

No more 'what bike is best threads : ride every make in your budget and buy the one I you feel most comfortable on'

Interesting thread as being the business I see a-z on customers and dealers concerning what their needs are.

Trials is a niche product - we all know that.

If a rider is a novice they won't know if they are riding the bike well. (for the most part) But yes, riding a bike well is very important, but switching brands always take more than one ride to get use to the difference. Give each brand ample time to feel and know what you are on.

Yes, budget is always a factor (you must check with the better half before purchasing)

You could argue Mont is good quality but do they tick any other boxes? That's up to the rider.

Service and warranty - won't comment on brand but I could write a book on this.

I totally agree to ride every brand in your budget, give them a 1-5 rating in the different categories I had noted above and that might give you a start to your next purchase.


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