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Question Regarding Oset 20


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Here is my situation. Ive got a KTM exc 200 and a scorpa sy250 for myself and have until recently enjoyed the odd play in the woods on the scorpa. My start in trials was predominantly to make me a better enduro rider but i dont get enough time to do or be good at either so im fiarly basic levels of both.

My son (7 yo) has a 50 cc quad bike that he is growing out of and doesnt have much interest in anymore. I had planned to get him a 50cc moto but then the local coucil put a big sign in the woods on ANY type of motorcycle will be conviscated. This is due to more scrotey kids on mx bikes im sure but i aint taking the risk. So im thinking, kill two birds with one stone and get an oset 20 that we both can use in the woods. Im pushing 90kg so according to the manaul im not allowed but every shop i speak to says adults are fine on them. im guessing the run time with me on it is going to be about 30 mins but im only going to be near the house so thats not a problem.

If we both can use it then what should i look out for as a seccond hand buy?



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Jeez Bob! Just because you couldn't handle the power doesn't mean this guy can't. :)

Your plan sounds like a good one to me. The 20 is great fun for kids and adults. My 10 year old has one and so do I. You will not regret it.

Things to consider:

1. The bike comes with a heavier rear spring just for adults. I never used it until I lengthened the swingarm to put a bigger wheel on. You will probably want to put some preload into the stock spring and add some air to the forks to avoid bottoming.

2. To get the geometry right you can put a different stem on it for you (although it is fine to ride without). It is a standard bicycle stem. You need one for 1 1/8" steerer tube, fat bars. Your local bicycle shop can hook you up or you can look on line. I used a trialtech stem, 35 degree 110 mm to get it similar to an adult sized gas trials bike in the relation between pegs and bars.

3. You are probably about right on the batteries. This bike has a low voltage cutoff (LVC) around 40V. Be careful with this until you get used to it. As you drain the batteries when they are getting close to done you will trip the LVC when pulling a lot of power like going up a hill. The bike will stop. You will not know what is going on. If you keep it at full throttle the batteries will rebound and after a couple of seconds the LVC will shut off and the bike will shoot out from under you. When the LVC hits just let off on the throttle and limp it home.

4. You might end up looking at some other batteries. There is a posting on here that has most of the directions. It turned from directions into a big discussion so it miht have more info than you really need. Let me know if you are interested and I will try to post a new one with just directions. You can shave 25 pounds off the bike, get longer run time and charge up in half an hour.

Good luck, you will have a lot of fun with this thing!

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BetaRambo has spent considerable time building bikes for his daughter. He has come up with quite a few unique projects. Here is a picture of myself trying to get hurt on one of them. They are quite fun.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all the replies! well i cannot convince him to get into it, i would have jumped at it when i was his age!

I have lots of decent places to use something like that round near where i live but wouldnt risk using the KTM or the Scorpa anymore. Has any adult got one of these as a toy? If i get this new job i might treat myself to one...

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