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Crankshaft Balance Factor.

jon v8

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I find it difficult to understand why persons on this particular thread, have to quantify themselves, maybe they are wanting in the self esteem stakes. Auxlove surely your refering to a KIT CAR bugatti (with a Buick type engine)....not a REPLICA bugatti (Ivan Dutton is the only person, I know of that builds replica Bugatti's) , but then again ..if your wanting to impress..carry on. Jon v8 Please don't misquote me, nowhere have I said you were rude, would seem you have problems following the thread, hope you both have a long and worthwhile relationship. Its amusing how people tend to believe anything which is written in print, the many cases of people in the public eye for example, believing thier own hype, Persons on this particular thread quoting Don Morley, a scribe's personal suggestion, as if it's the end all solution, to a comlpex problem. So you don't want to have lessons on how crank balancing is done, you know it all, so you want to go straight from A to Z , if you know it all, then why ask balance factors, if you were completely ofay you would know from the 'hyperthetical model' how the differences effect an engine.

Greeves , The last thing that little Bugatti is , is a "kit Car". It is a extremely accurate replica that was built in France , one of a numbered series .

Edited by axulsuv
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Woody, I have no issue with you, so why are you getting involved. No bodies perfect, I would be the first to admit that fact. You want to play....should i search through all your old posts, No...I've got many more important things to do....finish preparing/fettling my bike for tomorrow.

It's not about getting involved. I was interested in the original question as, not being an engineer or mechanic, I hadn't a clue what it was about, which I'm quite happy to admit. I know absolutely nothing about balance factors. I was interested to hear others' opinions, that's all. I read your first reply and thought maybe you must know each other and were taking the pee. With your next post it became apparent you weren't.

So my only purpose in commenting was to wonder why, if you have the knowledge to help, you didn't and instead preferred to seemingly belittle a person's question - a response that if your honest and objective about it, was unprovoked - unless there are issues I don't know about.

Other than it being on a public form, I accept it's none of my business and won't comment any further. I have no issue with you, just confused at your response to the question as if I'm in a position to help someone, I will. The last comment in my last post was tongue in cheek, not derogatory.

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JON V8...Please don't missquote me, where have I said 'dynamically balancing a single cylinder engine is such a waste of time'. Seems to me certain threads like to have a 'pecking order' If your a callow youth or a non-descript sorta person, you'll do fine. Occasionally you'll entertian somebody who upsets that ordley running, by adding (if there allowed to) pertinent imput....call it human nature, self preservation, but you don't like it.( rather have the 'how much oil'/ 'where is my drain plug'), and all because people at the top, feel uncomfortable with criticism.

Edited by ask greeves
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Seems to me that someone started off on the wrong foot and now has to explain he didn't mean it like that.

Now shake hands and make up. :P

(Excuse the bad English, it's not my native language)

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Blimey Mr Greeves,last night at 11pm you thank me for a considered response and go on to say you would give more info later on....(Clearly I have not responded since then) You come back this afternoon with more of something,not anything to do with practical experience of changing balance factors for trials use.Nor have I misquoted you,I think you need to re-read your posts.

I wasn't aware of any trials going on in the west country today,do you mind if I ask where you rode ?

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More like impertinent ! Your 'input' as you flatter yourself by calling it, was to tell him to 'work it out for his self' ,and by having his crank balanced you surmised that this may remove any remaining Heritage from his bike !

The question was about crank balancing, not scrapping the Monarchy. What are you like on more serious issues for chrissakes .

Jon wanted pertinent input that's why he asked a question. !

Ps, I know no one personally on this forum and am not aware of being invited into a 'clique'

Edited by davetom
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Blimey Mr Greeves,last night at 11pm you thank me for a considered response and go on to say you would give more info later on....(Clearly I have not responded since then) You come back this afternoon with more of something,not anything to do with practical experience of changing balance factors for trials use.Nor have I misquoted you,I think you need to re-read your posts.

I wasn't aware of any trials going on in the west country today,do you mind if I ask where you rode ?

Give him chance, he’s cleaning his rose tinted glasses

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This thread has gone quiet? :rotfl:

Not for long,the crank is ready to come back for me to build up and true.Need some enthusiasm to get on a prep the "new" crankcases,scrape the new timing side bush to size etc...

Entry forms are out for the Golden Valley March Hare,need to get on. :thumbup:

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Disagreement, opinions, guesses, I welcome them, that's what forums are about and here for.

Bad manners and rudeness they ain't here for. You got stuck in a corner and you dug deeper.

I'm not rising to your bait and won't post further on here, your doing just fine on your own.

I must have read this wrong ! Didn't you say "I won't post further on here" and then you go ahead and post again. A real person has to 'stand by his decisions' in my book. So BYE BYE
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Not for long,the crank is ready to come back for me to build up and true.Need some enthusiasm to get on a prep the "new" crankcases,scrape the new timing side bush to size etc...

Entry forms are out for the Golden Valley March Hare,need to get on. :thumbup:

I knew there would be something dynamic somewhere...thought it might have been the crankshaft.....first dynamic piece of engineering I've heard....'size' the mainbearing...with a scraper, very 2014. Sure you haven't got your 'white metal stuck up your phosphor bronze', I'd hate to see you end up another flailed conrod, pist n broke, but never mind, Mr Basset loves you or is it magnetos from Iron. Edited by ask greeves
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